Who's your favorite founder and why?

Adrian Cole
70 replies
I'll have to go with @csallen Reason: Ships code, Creates Content and Builds community. The real Founder Unicorn. Who's your top pick? PS: Be fun and don't nominate yourself :)


Alice Rodgers
One more vote for Elon. Elon doesn't complain if dislike smth. He just goes and changes it.
Gleb Braverman
I'd go with Tobi Lutke, he is an amazing founder building for thousands of people.
Henrique Dubugras, Brazilian guy
Veronika Nesheva
Mhm, for me there isnt one, I tend to like specific things that different founders do. A few of that come to mind: * Emily Weiss from Glossier for her ability to grow first an audience, then a very engaged community and then use this community to build the most relevant for them products. * Jennifer Hyman from Rent the Runway for how she leveraged the "unsexy" part of the business - logistics, to create a big barrier to entry and a quite unique competitive advantage * Marcela Sapone from Hello Alfred for how she managed to build and scale her start-up while bearing unit economics in mind from the start, and at the same time employing her "Alfreds" as opposed to using freelancers as most on demand companies do, and thus leveraging the power of happy and empowered employees
Veronika Nesheva
he is awesome! love his youtube channel.
Stephan Kaag
I am quite new to the scene but I look forward to getting to know a lot of founders! :-)
Diana Voronec
I like @diamindhands who made Bitclout )
Alexey Shashkov
Interesting question=) Let's think... My favorite one is Elon because he's running several businesses at the same time and it's successful. Unbelievable and awesome.
Anurag Singh
@shashcoffe at the risk of sounding cliched, I'd also go with Elon. Simply because of the way he has executed on some of the biggest challenges faced by humanity. He didn't just say thats a good idea, he went ahead full steam and executed. Boring Company was a classic example. Tesla - the most successful but I would say least impactful of his ventures. SpaceX - existential impact that I think is next level forward thinking. And lastly Neuralink - this one is what has amazing implications for humanity, both short term for paraplegics and every human in the future. Elon to the moon (or mars) 🚀😅
Alexey Shashkov
@singhanurag Cool comment, man. Totally agree with you. Even there's a risk of sounding cliched=)
Diana Voronec
Justin Kan, who co-made Twitch is cool AF ))
Alexis Whitaker
@dvoroneca @swaraj70 I am pretty new in this space so I just found Justin Man’s YouTube page last week and I do enjoy it very much!!! He loves telling stories. I think he’s great at it.
Swaraj Papadkar
@dvoroneca His youtube channel is a gold mine. 🤩
Jack McLaughlin
For me, it'll always be Ben Francis - the founder of Gymshark. Extremely humble, smart and a team player.
RK Bhapya
I think I'm (RK Bhapya) myself my favorite founder of Zeo Taxi ......as I have struggled and collected the information for my business.
Velu Loganathan
Sridhar Vembu - Founder of ZOHO @svembu because his thought process is always great and he is running a software company from a village.
Johannes Grenzemann
Nobody rooting for Elon? Wrotes Code for Zip2/PayPal/SpaceX, meme grandmaster, growing community (of Tesla Drivers and Space Enthusiasts) :)
Alice Rodgers
@jgrenzemann was just checking with command+F if anybody mentioned Elon hehe
tedarek bilisim
my vote goes to GETIR's founder
Maxence Maisonnat
Looking foward to discover awesome founder 😊
Vahe Abelyan
Elon Mask is an example of true believer !