Who has the worst and best customer service lol?

Shivam Ramphal
7 replies
Hey Product Hunt fam, I am the co-founder of Maya AI, a personalized experience copilot that enhances customer and team support. What companies have you all faced that the best and worst customer service?


Gurkaran Singh
Oh, the tale of customer service woes and woohoos! The worst crown might just go to *insert notorious company with terrible service*, while the best shines on *insert company known for top-notch support*. Have you ever felt like you needed Maya AI to navigate through those customer service mazes?
Shivam Ramphal
@thestarkster Totally agree customer service can be a rollercoaster! From bad experiences with certain notorious companies with terrible service to great ones to be known for top-notch support. Maya AI could be a real lifesaver, making customer service an experience that makes things more relevant and personalized. How do you think AI can change your service experiences?
Arthur Leclercq
It is a french company but, SFR has one of the worst one ever. The best? I'm not sure I have experienced good ones yet...
Shivam Ramphal
@arthur_leclercq That is interesting, telecommunication seems to be a trend here. Hahaha, the best one, what would that experience be?
Arthur Leclercq
@shivam_ramphal3 I would say Orange, if I stay in the telecommunication sector haha
Sebastian Kraus
German Telekom 😅
Shivam Ramphal
@sebastiankraus wow really, you would think a communications company would have better communication lol