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  • Which social media do you use?

    Hi there! We're planning to launch a social media app soon & I wonder which SM apps you use now & why. I like the PH audience. You're brilliant and definitely will give us valuable insights. Thank you for your answers.


    Candida Lombardo
    I use Instagram for socializing, Pinterest for advice and inspiration, TikTok for fun and self-development. I think TikTok is not just for laughs. You can get inspired there, too. You can find good tips there too, and it's a great platform for socializing based on discussing and commenting on different videos. I, for example, put my dance videos. And in the beginning, I was very offended that my videos did not get to the top. But then SocialFollowersFree corrected the situation. My videos became interesting to people. And every day, the number of likes on my videos is increasing. This really inspires me and motivates me to shoot more and better.
    We use instagram because we created a travel app. People who travel are mostly there, sharing pictures, their experiences and they also like to explore. By creating a presence there we can serve them through content for them to discover cool places in the world, and at the same time they can find out about the app.
    Yaroslava Antipina πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
    @jessie_m Oh, interesting! Could you please share your travel app?
    Candida Lombardo
    I use Instagram for socializing, Pinterest for advice and inspiration, TikTok for fun and self-development.