Which product websites inspires you?

AndrΓ© J
2 replies
Here are some websites I discovered here on product hunt that I really like: here are my favourite product websites: https://cypher.is/ πŸ‘‰ Simple and visionary! https://opalcamera.com/opal-tadpole πŸ‘‰ Great attitude + personality https://new.space/?ref=producthunt πŸ‘‰ Simple & quirky https://www.cloaked.com πŸ‘‰ Nice "selling point style" landing page Do you know any cool product websites, and why do you like them? πŸ‘‡


Feng Gu
https://www.chatgot.io/ πŸ‘‰ I appreciate the slogan of Chatgot as it succinctly introduces their products. The webpage design is aesthetically pleasing, presenting the features in a clear and intuitive manner, allowing users to easily access their products with just a click. It avoids overwhelming users upon entering the website, ensuring the focus is well-defined.
Immersive Translate Bilingual Video
I'm really drawn to websites that balance aesthetic appeal with functionality, AndrΓ©, like https://www.masterclass.com which has a sleek design and intuitive user journey. It's the seamless blend of high-quality content previews and clear call-to-actions that makes it stand out for me.