Which platforms are best for email marketing?

Ling Tien
97 replies


Mailchimp: Known for its user-friendly interface and automation features, Mailchimp is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. Constant Contact: A versatile platform that offers various templates and tools, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced marketers. SendinBlue: Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, SendinBlue provides email marketing and marketing automation tools at an affordable price. AWeber: Known for its excellent customer support and easy-to-use features, AWeber is a great choice for those new to email marketing. GetResponse: Offers advanced automation and landing page creation tools, making it a comprehensive marketing solution. ConvertKit: Designed for content creators and bloggers, ConvertKit specializes in email automation and audience segmentation. Additionally, if you're looking for an email generator tool, you can explore @writemeai Email Generator, which can assist in creating professional email signatures, addresses, and templates to enhance your email marketing efforts. Remember to choose a platform that aligns with your specific business needs and goals.
@writemeai @jaykay00 I can add Selzy to this list for its ease of use and really flexible pricing.
@jessica_flower could you list any pros and cons you noticed?
Halyna Kudlak
We use Mailchimp and Hubspot for email marketing campaigns. These platforms are great for automating campaigns, using templates, tracking results, and many other features.
Rohan Pathak
@halyna_kudlak I personally don't like Mailchimp because the free version has been used by so many people now that the brand's email reputation score has gone down!
Halyna Kudlak
@persuasionkid Interesting perspective! It's true that the popularity of a platform can sometimes dilute its overall email reputation score, affecting deliverability rates for all users.
Tanzirul Huda
@johnberg Appllo works great for cold mailing.
Eugenia Bud
Definitely Selzy. Way more affordable than big guys like Hubspot or Mailchimp. Easier to navigate. Free 24/7 support for all users. And yes, we are launching Selzy on PH in October! Check it out - https://selzy.com/
Rohan Pathak
@evgenia_budrina1 Is it only specifically for email campaigns or you can use it for setting up automated evergreen email flows as well?
Eugenia Bud
@persuasionkid yes, automated email campaigns are totally possible. Selzy is a full-scale email marketing software which, apart from the basic features, offers automation, segmentation, extensive analytics and many more features!
Jake Harrison
I would say that the best platforms for email marketing depend on your specific needs and goals. Some popular options include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor. Each of these platforms offers unique features and benefits, such as customizable templates, advanced analytics, and automation capabilities. Personally, I used the Mailchimp most, but I think the user experience is too heavy for indie hackers or SMBs
Aarav Krishna
Brevo - it's cost effective
@aarav_krishna have you tried Selzy? It's even more flexible in pricing
Eugene Shishkov
For email campaigns -- Selzy.
Steve Lou
Mailchimp is good but I think that their UX has gotten worse over time. If you have the money, and the right audience, Hubspot is the go-to tool. Otherwise I'd suggest YAMM, it's a mail merge tool you can use with google sheets and it's working pretty well (if you like to deal with old-school google sheets)
@steve_lourdessamy you don't have to sacrifice UX/UI to work with old-school Google Sheets. Selzy also supports this integration and offers a sleek, modern design that is easy to navigate
@summerwardd_ could you give me some insights on how you use it?
Have you tried Selzy?
Brad Fusion
I guess Mail chimp, have not used it for a while now.
George Burmistrov
Selzy is a great option
Ivan Dudin
We use Selzy and Unione. Great products
Alexander Dolton
HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of marketing tools, including email.
Iqra Arif
GetResponse's automation and webinar features are top-notch.