Which is better PPC vs SEO?

Chandrama Vishwakarma
34 replies


ShaoNing Sun
Speed: PPC: Offers immediate visibility. Your ads can appear at the top of search engine results almost instantly after setting up a campaign. SEO: Takes time to build organic rankings. It might take weeks or months to see significant improvements. Cost: PPC: Involves paying for each click on your ad. Costs can add up, especially in competitive industries. SEO: Initial costs for optimization, but organic traffic doesn't incur direct costs per click. Sustainability: PPC: Traffic stops when the campaign budget is exhausted. It's not a sustainable long-term solution unless continuously funded. SEO: Organic traffic can be more sustainable over time. Once you rank well, you can receive ongoing traffic without continuous payment.
Chandrama Vishwakarma
SEO is far more reliable and sustainable.
Hassan Sajjad
The effectiveness depends on your business model and industry dynamics.
Sarah Playford
Neither is inherently "better" than the other; they serve different purposes. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) provides quick, targeted results but requires ongoing investment. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a long-term strategy for organic traffic growth but takes time to show results. The ideal approach often involves a combination of both for a well-rounded digital marketing strategy.
SEO builds a foundation for a strong online brand presence.
SEO helps establish trust and credibility with users.
Launching soon!
for instant results PPC is best and if you have good budget.
Sathish Nagarajan (SNR)
There is no one channel better than the other. @sarah_playford has rightly mentioned and I am adding few more points to it SEO: Long term strategy - takes time to realize value, Cost effective Content marketing strategy - means you will get traffic from user who may or may not need your product, so intent is not the measure here Conversion rates is lesser as there is less buy intent more awareness intent ToFU - top of the funnel in AIDA model to create awarness PPC: Quick results - get result immediately for validation and conversion Expensive than SEO - as you will be paying for clicks and CAC is high Advertising strategy - talk about need to high intent group Better conversion rates as you are attracting high intent users MoFu - middle of the funnel, people who have crossed awareness and in the interest stage appears which is better faster and expensive conversion or slower and cost effective conversion - usually decided on the need and stage of the startup/org
Vincent Xu
Bet on SEO
Ludovic Rubin
It depends on your budget, distribution platforms, and marketing goals (tofu/bofu), but earning your audience's trust is crucial, so SEO usually takes the lead.
Umair Zubair
PPC can generate quick results. Once you set up a PPC campaign, your ads can appear on search engines immediately, driving traffic to your website.
Congratulations on your launch. Keep going
Fitz Dupuy
i prefer SEO
Hiep Nguyen
I think PPC is better for short-term projects and SEO is better for long ones.
Luis Rieke
Launching soon!
Quick evaluation of MVP or if you need/want to grow really fast and have the budget: PPC Long-term sustainable results: SEO, solve users problems to get attention
For instant results PPC and for long term SEO.