Which country or city has the best food in your opinion?

Sanja Micic
15 replies
I am in love with Italian cuisine.🍝🍕


Jade Grimwood
Oh this is an impossible question! Too many to choose - but I would say I recently visited South Korean - and I found their food to be delicious!
Godstime Nwabue
Though I haven't had the chance to taste other countries' delicacies, I am definitely in love with my country's dishes, which is Nigeria. Let's just say, having a glimpse of well-pounded yam with egusi soup stocked with various types of fish and meat, especially if the egusi is the fried type, is a delight. This is just one of the delicacies I love; there are many other amazing dishes in my country. You should try them out. Location: Delta, Nigeria.
Julia Engelsmann
italy! I love Pizza and Pasta!
Winston Linda
I got a chance to visit Pakistan once and I am in love with the food full of spices there.
Daniel Engelke
Agree, Italian cuisine in Italy is almost unbeatable.
I think Singapore food is also good in taste, being a tourist country they have a lot of options for food. Tender Best is one of must try with their Old School Burger.
Danish Raza
I'm a fast food fan and Toronto is the best one for food lovers but now I'm eager to explore new, famous, and precious dishes. I'm searching various websites and blogs for delicious recipes and Menudale is faced with too many great options
Dora Dor
Italian Mexican French