Which channel are you using for cold outreach?

Fabian Maume
18 replies
Are you running some cold outreach? As I'm helping Closely, I'm curious to know which channels you are using for cold outreach.:


Julia Doronina
90% LinkedIn + 10% cold emails
Rowe Morehouse
80% LInkedIn, 10% twitter, 10% cold email.
Fabian Maume
@rowemore Does Twitter work well?
Rowe Morehouse
@fabian_maume For sure. You start by engaging with posts in their feed, then hit them up in the DM if they follow you or have DMs open.
E-mails 80-85%, LinkedIn 15-20% 😎
Arthur Leclercq
50% cold mailing - 30% LinkedIn - 20% cold calling
Fabian Maume
@arthur_leclercq How well does cold calling work?
Arthur Leclercq
@fabian_maume You can use software such as Lusha to find phones of prospects, define well your persona and use Linkedin to find prospects that look like your persona, call them, pitch them your product briefly and try to book a meeting with them!
Emily Willis
I used online communities: Slack, Reddit, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn etc
Fabian Maume
@emily_willis1 How do you approach it? Do you share in communities or outreach community members on a 1to1 basis?
Emily Willis
@fabian_maume it depends on the community but a balance of both a general intro + a post & then 1:1 engagement where (as others have mentioned already) you see a relevant topic come up
Peter Hansen
Phone, WhatsApp and email
Fabian Maume
@trumpeter Are you using automation for WhatsApp?
Peter Hansen
@fabian_maume Not yet, but I will soon. Looking around for options, I'll appreciate any knowledge you may have
I use a combination of email and LinkedIn.