Which apps do you use the most in your day-to-day life (work or personal)?

Tanya Pereira
34 replies


Philipp Shay
Slack Whatsup Twitter Product HUnt
Haya Tangyan
LinkedIn and Slack
Mohammad Elzahaby
I use my journaling app daily! And i glance here and there into linkedin when i get an email. Whatsapp & Instagram is also a high usage app
Xavier JJ
@mohammad_elzahaby What journalling app do you use? I use stoic recently and have been enjoying the app alot.
Judith Amarachi πŸ’™
Google Docs, LinkedIn, and Canva
William Willey
Google Search and Linkedln
Neha Banta
LinkedIn. I love it!
Tegan Bradleys
Google Sheets, Whatsapp
Pooja Jyothy-Seshadri
For/during work - 1. Narrato 2. Gmail 3. Slack 4. LinkedIn 5. Evernote For personal use - 1. Instagram 2. Whatsapp 3. Twitter/X 4. Lysn/Bubble
Mansi Trivedi
-LinkedIn - Twitter - Product Hunt - Slack - Notion I think that's all the big ones πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Elena Tsemirava
Notion, Gmail, Chrome, ChatGPT etc.
Jahnmary Diaz
LinkedIn, Slack, Google Sheets, google Docs, Canva
Sophia Solanki
Work- Narrato, G Workspace (everything), Slack (a lot), Canva, LinkedIn, Zoom, Youtube, Notion (a bit) Personal - Insta, Gmail, Flipboard, Whatsapp, G apps - Maps Photos YT Keep Cal, Netflix, Prime, Disney, G and Apple Music :) :) Chrome - all the time
Neelam Goswami
Narrato (workspace, to be precise) Slack Gmail Google Meet Product Hunt of course πŸ˜„ LinkedIn Instagram WhatsApp And the list goes on…
Personal: WhatsApp and Safari. Work: X, LinkedIn, and Medium.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
LinkedIn & PH, for sure...
Artyom Ananov | Smart Solutions AI
Perplexity.ai - since it's release, I forgot about Google. Discord - for communication with the team Calendly Google Meets Telegram
Michael Stan
What's up, clickup, Uniflow, Linkedin, Tiktok, Youtube, Android Studio, Figma, Google Calendar, Google Meet, yea those on a daily bases.
Tracyyyy Dao
For communication, I used Slack For updating news, I used LinkedIn For writing tasks, I used Merlin For productivity, I used SaveDay