Which app or website do you check first thing when you wake up in the morning?

Julia Engelsmann
33 replies


Gurkaran Singh
Ah, the morning ritual! I usually peek at the weather app first thing to see if I need to brace myself for a storm or just another day of unpredictable forecasts. It's like starting the day with a daily dose of meteorological drama!
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
Gmail + PH
Marvin Mändle
Alarm app of my phone :D After that most of the time Spotify. Flight mode on for the first hour!
Dan O'Malley
I check my email first thing, which always leads me to PH.
Business Marketing with Nika
Clocks :) it is the very first thing that I am interested in when I open my eyes. :)
Arthur Leclercq
I would say mails also and sofascore for sports events
Jagriti Kumar
Alarm, swipe out all notifications, X (twitter) and my cat :)
Jan Leonovich
Duolingo. Morning language learning before my head fills with work.
Yernar Akim
Launching soon!
either Slack or LinkedIn - I'm hooked on new messages overnight xD
My Phung
I checked my gmail
My dream is that all of us would check wingtap first thing in the morning and do their good deed for the day then and there. What do you think?
Jake Tital
PH first thing as im almost at a 365 streak lol
René N
@jaketital haha me2, i have it in calendar to remember. A clear example of how gamification in this case streaks can increase user engagement 🤩
Konrad S.
CNN, NYTimes, Spiegel
Daniel Zaitzow
Yea Gmail /. PH / Slack to see if theres anything pressing. I do have a tendency to check FB marketplace and Tiktok if I don't have any early meetings. Horrible habit but they've got their algorithms pretty curated haha