Where you use Product Hunt? Mobile or Desktop?

Sidra Arif
15 replies
I recently started using Ph on Mobile and I can't see the coming soon page option and neither it open the notify page. Have you noticed this?


Anastasia Liamets
Only mobile. Love to check out new launches every morning, very user friendly interface. Use desktop or Chrome to notify myself for a specific launch. πŸš€
Sidra Arif
@anliamets If you use both then it is great but only using mobile is like using half of the features.
Saif Ullah Khalid
Mostly on Desktop. There are certain glitches in the App.
Tanya Sharath
I primarily use Product Hunt on Desktop. While the mobile experience is convenient, I've noticed limitations in accessing features like the coming soon page and notify option. Desktop provides a more comprehensive view and access to functionalities.
Sidra Arif
@tanya_sharath Yes i have also faced the same problems, I guess there app is still in development stages.
Daniel Zaitzow
I always wake up in the morning and make sure I use the app to increase my streak (not sure why I care so much haha) from there I do all engagement on my desktop.
Daniel Zaitzow
@sidraarifali Yea totally - I don't know if it means anything - It also encourages me to hop in and engage with the community on a daily basis.
Lisa Blum
Always on Desktop.
In Both device but mostly in Desktop..
Diksha Patro B
Both but 80% of the time on desktop