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  • Where to look for beta-testers?

    2 replies
    Hey! My name is Ksusha and our team is creating Aaply.app – visual collaborative tool to design mobile apps. Two weeks ago we launched close beta testing with emails from the waitlist. But it didn’t work, we got a small number of email answers and feedback. So we decided to launch an open beta and are looking for testers. Can you advise on which channels to look for? Slack / Discord / Facebook / LinkedIn etc.


    Porush Puri 🇮🇳
    The best channel that has worked for me is to reach out on Twitter, a Cold DM, describing your product and a special offer for the early adopter. You can use Twitter filters to find people in your niche, or better yet reach out to people who are already following your competitor or nearest competitor. Just make sure, that they do get value from the product and the offer. Should not look to automate it, it's a slow grind though, maintain a CRM Sheet if possible (a basic Google Sheet should work) Hope this helps!!
    @porush_puri thank you a lot, its very useful comment! Yeah, I think the next step will be to DM designers and product managers in twitter, asking about beta-testing :)