Where are you from? Where are you based?

Annie Chopra
28 replies
Hey! Its been over a month now that i have been actively using PH! One thing that struck me was the different cultures and communities I have seen on the platform, from peoples names and bios I have seen their “origins” but I would love to hear from you! Where are you from? About me: I am actually 3rd cultured, while my parents are Indian- and thus my nationality is Indian- I lived and grew up all over the world(truly a privilege but would appreciate no “wow lucky” comments since my parents worked incredibly hard!) I am currently based in South East Asia! What about you?


Hey Annie, That's such a cool journey you've had! As for me, I'm a digital wanderer in the vast realm of the internet, soaking up vibes from all corners. It's like a never-ending cultural adventure! 🌍 i'm from South East Asia as well. Lets connect everywhere possible ( : 👊
Annie Chopra
@istiakahmad love that !! I often say I am a “global citizen” 😂 its too hard to put the place in word at times! Yes definitely- where in SEA are you often placed?
@annie_chopra You are living a Nomad Lifestyle already ( : , Have been planning to go full Nomad for a while now. i'm from BD
Shubham Pratap Singh
Hey Annie, Happy to be a part of your PH network. I am from India. :)
Annie Chopra
@shubham_pratap I see a huge PH community from India here! where are you based?
Hey Annie that's awesome! What has been your favourite spot in the world you've lived in so far? I was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. I now live in San Francisco 🌉
Annie Chopra
@devreetdulay hey Devreet! Super unique name btw!! Mmmm idk its always so tough, I did love Mexico city a lot- i also really enjoyed Chiang Mai and Kuala Lumpur but i dont think i can ever say which one is my top favourite haha do you like SF!?
@annie_chopra haha thanks! That's so fair. I love SF, it's a great city for the startup world and beautiful!
Annie Chopra
@devreetdulay I am glad to hear it - Edily's almost entire team is SF based - I love that I get to work with such likeminded people so I can imagine the vibes
Daxeel Soni
Indian, building global products Lets connect
Daxeel Soni
@annie_chopra Sure thing. Whats your LinkedIn? I could not find it in your profile.
China, 你好~(*´▽`)ノノ
Annie Chopra
@iris_y how fun! Have you always lived there? I have been meaning to visit Shanghai !
New York City, if anyone is ever out this way, reach out!
Annie Chopra
@slimmy82 do you like NYC? I find it to be such a dreamy city (been just once) but many tell me I am delulu😂
@annie_chopra there’s so much to do and see here. So many restaurants and cafes. Definitely a magical city. But sadly it’s expensive to live here, and the winter months are cold 😫
Annie Chopra
@slimmy82 oh I do love the winter lol I would hate the rainy season though, I remember being stuck in one NYC rain lol - I much preferred rain in Chicago :P - As for expensive, IDK I find that the entire world seems so as of RN! was checking hotels for my birthday - The Palace Hotel NYC is nearly the same price as hotels in Delhi / Mumbai (Taj etc) and Bangkok has a whole different level of expenses lol
@annie_chopra haha yes!! Rain is painful here when you have to get around. Most of New York is walkable. Chicago gets freezing in winter
Luo Baishun
Hi Annie, I'm Luo, a Chinese dadpreneur building multiple bootstrapped micro SaaS businesses. And I assist Chinese startups in expanding their operations internationally. I am excited to connect with you!
Annie Chopra
@luobaishun Hey Luo! where in China are you based?? Also love the dadpreneur I very rarely hear the term! Send me a linkedin request would love to hear all you are doing!
Antalya, Türkiye 🙌