When you woke up and open the mobile so what you see?

13 replies


Kate Ramakaieva
FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
Checking news about Ukraine, what's happned during the night in my city, are all my relatives and friends safe. It's an awful routine for 2.5 years of war already 😭
Andrew C.
whether my CULT class is confirmed or not ...lol
udhay yadav
I see my Instagram DM's
Spot "Snooze" and tap it.
Domas Sakavickas
I always check my Garmin app morning repot πŸ˜„ check the quality of sleep, body battery and then I'm ready for the day
Munna Baskey
I calling my sister
Enyi Bassey
Notifications messages, and maybe some missed calls.
Tumblar Kevin
I open instagram and check my inbox
Kate Sleeman
My morning start with a sea of notifications. I prioritize important ones and deal with the rest later.
Charlos Brat
My morning routine begins with opening my phone to see if there are any updates or news I missed while I was asleep.