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  • When working, how and where do you jot down notes?

    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    38 replies
    Hey everyone! Do you take notes while working and where do you jot down notes? Personally, I use the notes app on my MacBook, or some piece of paper, notebook, etc., and it is extremely difficult for me to find these notes when I need them. We are currently building BeforeSunset v2.0 to sync and bond with your team without additional messages. In the new version, you'll also have a personal space for taking notes about your tasks or your meeting (or whatever you want to take notes about). You can join our waitlist to know when we are ready: https://www.usebeforesunset.com/


    Aaron O'Leary
    Apple notes! Couldn't live without it, I've tried almost every solution I can think of and I come back to Apple notes for all my note-taking, journaling and productivity tasks
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    @aaronoleary I use it as well; it makes sense in terms of speed, but I get lost in a lot of notes. I suffer panic attacks when I can't even find my card password. It's also difficult to find a basic, simple, easy-to-use to-do list software. That is why we are creating a product to meet this requirement. You can join our waitlist if you want to give it a shot. 🀩
    Mirena Vasileva
    @aaronoleary @zekiye_nur_kesici They have recently created 'smart' sorting and you can use # to do so but I still find it confusing sometimes. More obvious categories or AI suggestions will be helpful
    @aaronoleary I also use Applenotes for digital reminders but I also have my trusty moleskin notebook that I use for daily ongoing reminders .
    Hi Zekiye. I don't know if my feedback is helpful but I'll be honest. I prefer to do it old school, I'm habitual to take notes in a notebook. Writing makes me remember more too. But I really want to wish you all the best for the Before Sunset project.
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    @c99rahul Same here Rahul!! Not about taking notes, but in my daily life, I also like to keep an agenda, and I like to use paper agendas rather than digital ones. I think it's partly because of the feeling of having our personal space. Will you agree with me on this? We want to reflect exactly this feeling in our product. We are developing a product that will allow you to plan your day by creating a truly special area for you. πŸ”₯
    @zekiye_nur_kesici That sounds great. We can't carry our notes along all the time. A product like yours can be a great way to access notes anytime in such a situation.
    Aleksandra Dikan
    Hey! I use Notion for my notes but it is not very convenient. actually I loose a lot of info
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    @aleksandra_dikan Thanks for your comment Aleksandra! We use Notion as a team as well, although, like you mentioned, it's distracting to find these notes. Indeed, I find Notion to be more efficient for work and task management. That is why we are releasing BeforeSunset version 2. Using sophisticated and complicated tools where you can't even take a simple note diminishes productivity significantly. You may sync with your calendar in BeforeSunset and discover your note by heading to the task where you took the note. If you are experiencing this issue, you can also join our waitlist.
    Richard Gao
    I don't haha Only jot down notes when it's absolutely necessary like remembering a hard to spell name or number or password If so, I use my phone
    Daniel Dixon
    Apple Notes! It's kind of a mess, but it manages to do the trick most of the time.
    Rishabh R
    I use notion for this, in fact I use notion to take notes from books, courses and every other thing
    Eduard Metzger
    Made @noteplanapp exactly for this purpose! You have an empty note for every day in your calendar and forward bullet-journal style your most important tasks from yesterday. I love it because it doesn't overwhelm me with the notes I take. Other non-daily note-taking apps suffer from this issue that things pile up until it's more stressful to look at your notes than to start from scratch.
    I've tried all kind of things, but the only effective method for me is just jotting down anything that comes to mind into a single file. I'm still switching between apps, but the concept is always the same for me. Most notes / tasks are only relevant for a specific timespan, so I don't really see much value in collecting a lot of different notes / files. (and I'll probably never find them again anyways πŸ˜…)
    Hossein Yazdi
    Yes indeed, taking notes is the most important productivity habit in my work. Without taking notes I couldn't have finished the many small tasks that come to my mind daily or I notice they'll need to be done. For taking notes, I use the Google tasks app. It's super simple and convenient for me, especially its widget.
    Sasha S
    Old school note book with tabs mixed with Evernote for checklist - works really well!
    Deniz Sutaş
    My ADD brain appreciates the versatility and physicality of taking written notes. I also utilize my phone's notes app a lot, both for my daily life and work.
    Eraj Ismatulloev
    OneNote, the tool is underrated, pretty slick design and portable and accessible in desktop/tablet/phone. You can "write notes" but it could be typing/hand writing/recording audio/recording video/screenshots/etc. And it's already included in the MS Office package. The best bang for the buck!
    Interesting. I've completed my request. I'm using notion now, but I'd like to try beforesunset as well.
    Ghazal Dewar
    Apple notes and notebook at times.
    Kseniya Avtukhovich
    When working, I like to jot down notes using a good old-fashioned pen and paper. I know it might seem old school, but there's something about physically writing things down that helps me remember and process information better. I usually keep a notebook or notepad on my desk and use it to jot down important ideas, tasks, or reminders. I find it easier to organize my thoughts and ideas when I can see them all in one place. However, when I'm working remotely or on the go, I also use digital note-taking apps on my phone or computer to keep track of my notes.
    Seismic Speculations
    I've found Google Keep and Notepad++ both to be invaluable.
    Hubspot. I love the app. When I make a personal visit I just pop out my phone and write away.
    Pratik Rajurkar
    Have been adding things I come across about AI to a Notion Doc I share with people Interesting articles I add to-read list and then make notes on Apple Freeform
    Dunja Klisić
    OneNote for work (and pen and paper when things get really complicated) - I probably wouldn't be able to function without notes. In daily life, I have an agenda in a notebook - nothing beats the feeling of crossing out a task with a pen!