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  • When is the right time to start charging?

    6 replies
    People who love SlashPage keep asking when the paid plan is launching. But honestly, we don’t feel the product is ready yet. It’s a tough call—should we start charging or wait until it’s truly perfect? What do you think?🤔


    Desire Waterman
    If people are finding value already, don’t wait too long. You can introduce a paid plan with some additional features and keep iterating on the product.
    @desire_waterman Thanks a lot! We’ve been thinking about adding some extra features to a paid plan and continuing to improve the product.
    Iris Matt
    You’ll never feel it’s perfect, so don’t wait for that moment. Start charging now, and let the user feedback guide further development.
    Vimal Kumar
    I do it after the device asks me to charge it. Generally below 20%
    Matthew David Harris
    Definitely don't wait too long to start charging. If users are getting value, introduce a paid plan with a few extra features while you keep improving the product. Just make sure the free version is still useful so people have a reason to keep using it and hopefully convert to the paid version once they see the added value.