When are you most productive? Early in the morning or closer to the evening?

Alex Egorov
6 replies
I am usually most efficient towards the end of the day


Julia Doronina
Depending on the type of tasks, creative ones are best tackled in the morning, while strategic tasks are more suited for the second half of the day.
Xavier JJ
@julia_demyanchuk Hey! I was about to mention the same thing too. At night I'm more productive at coding. While in the afternoon i tend to do things that are more creative related.
Daniel S
MLTR: Meal Tracker
MLTR: Meal Tracker
Definitely closer to the evening. Something about the silence and "slow" environment brings out ideas.
Radomir Djokovic
I'm definitely a morning person. I find that I'm most productive and focused early in the day.
Xavier JJ
I'm more productive for coding at night. In the afternoon, i tend to do more creative related things