When are you more productive: solo or with your gang?

Kshetez Vinayak
5 replies
From my experience solo work leads to more deep work but with team we are able to do easier things faster.


Julia Engelsmann
Depends on the task. If we have to something creative, than team work can be amazing. But when I'm solo I can better deep focus on tasks
Kshetez Vinayak
@julia_engelsmann i agree with you on that. i haven't worked a proper job but experienced team work in hackathons. btw good luck for your launch. let's connect
Julia Engelsmann
@kshetez_vinayak Thank you very much! Sure, would love that! :)
I was forced into a solo-work situation, but now that's my jam!
Kshetez Vinayak
@anushkakarmakar ig you are working on some project which caused this solo-work situation