What would you tell your 18-year-old self when it comes to business?

At 18, I had no idea that I wanted to do business. I knew I liked a certain kind of autonomy, but I didn't know what to call it. If I had to say some words to myself, they would be these: – Do more of what you like. – Stop worrying about what others will think. If I applied these two things, I would definitely be more "entrepreneurial". What would you say to yourself?


Srivatsan Venkatesan
Distribution > Product Focus on how to distribute your product first
André J
nothing you do now matters. but its very important that you do it
André J
@busmark_w_nika exactly. that's the point of the saying. It feels like it doesn't matter at the time. But it will make sense later. With this mindset selling sunglass on the beach or lemonade outside your house has a meaning. It's an oxymoron. 😸
Piotr Bartoszek
Fail fast, learn faster. The key is not to avoid failure but to bounce back from it. Every mistake teaches you something valuable.
Rick Fan
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Think a little deeper, then even deeper.
Rick Fan
Sider for iOS 2.0
@busmark_w_nika Yeah, the harder part is not knowing how deep our thinking needs to be. A lot of times, we try to think a bit deeper, but only when we fail do we realize just how shallow we were being.
Borja DR
I’d tell my younger self: learn to code.
Derek Duban
Don't give up an asset.
Shahroz Ali
i will suggest to work in shares market as well as keep focused on general contractor huntington beach to make it as a brand and grab more market.
Anbang Xu
Launching soon!
I would say be bold, try everything until you make something really happen.
Jai from Worksaga
Launching soon!
Take more risks; build something relevant for the people.
Alexander Galitsky
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Tyrion Long
"The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago; the second best time is now."
Nathan Covey
I would say: “Learn to code and start building stuff for you and your friends.”
Boris Markarian
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I would say don't be afraid to do it - whether you succeed or fail, the fact that you've tried is a step closer to your goal!
Kartika Nurtasya
Just do it, don't be afraid to fail
If I could tell my 18-year-old self anything, it would be: 'Don't be afraid to take risks, especially when you're young. The lessons from failures are often more valuable than playing it safe.'
Emin Araki
Tell my 18-year-old self: Start before you're ready. The biggest mistake? Waiting for the ‘perfect’ moment. Spoiler: It never comes.
Lily Mae Anderson
100% believe in yourself. At 18 your biggest asset is enthusiasm and ability to learn quickly. Don't compare yourself to others who have years of experience. Focus on getting small wins, building skills, and gaining confidence. Success compounds over time. Stay positive and keep at it!
Vitaliy Ivanyshyn
What a great question! Now that I’m 45, I can confidently say I have no regrets about the choices I made in my youth. Everything I have today is a result of those decisions. My most important piece of advice to my 18-year-old self would be: don’t be afraid! Don’t listen to those who say, “That’s not for you” or “You won’t succeed.” Trust your inner voice, and pursue what truly resonates with you. If you follow your passion and intuition, your life will align with the right path and lead you to success.
Sudha Reddy
Believe in myself
Sudha Reddy
@busmark_w_nika I honestly wish I did too. Oh wait, I might have had one such poster but don’t think the words meant much to me back then. Now I truly know what they mean
Vitaliy Ivanyshyn
@sudha_reddy what a great thought! you are absolutely right