What would you do If you had 1 extra hour during the working day?

Sveta Bay
51 replies
Let me start 👀 I would deep dive into the landing page analytics. I always feel like it can convert more. P.S. Maybe you have any ideas 🤔 https://www.makerbox.club/


Henry Martin
Spend more time on my passion projects!
Tariq Waseem
I will waste my time, because I can mange all my works in my current working hours.
Areek Saint
As I try to learn something new when I get some time during working day. Like yesterday I got sometime so I read https://techyoffice.com/how-to-m... from where I learned that how will I automate the system. And How will I make my laptop or computer to press a key every x second. Which helped me in today office task.
Kevin Zepeda
Write post in my blog
Soumya Chaturvedi
I'll probably give more time on brainstorming and reading things important for my work
Rich Watson
probably procrastinate
Suhas Bhat
Would get some sleep..
Yara Matiash
I would take the time to perform some relaxing exercises :)
Baishali Chhabra
I try to Learn something new to improve my skills.
Do you mean working one more extra hour a day? 🤔😂😎
@basv Cool. In that case, I could just use that hour to myself. No specific task or aim. Just having a cup of coffee on my balcony and switching off all the stress for a moment. ☕🌱
Software Guy (Aarvy)
I would still not be able to finish my work. 🤣🤣
daniel roy
I will keep working, something that addicted
Rahul Patel
It won't be good because I will procrastinate 😅
Maali Baali
Read a magazine.
Frankie Zhang
Would definitely use this extra hour for me-time, focusing on myself and doing whatever makes me feel good about myself.
Won't make much difference to me.
Apollon Latsoudis
Probably meditate more