What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

Stephan Minos
14 replies


George Aleesu
Build things... just build things, you know, and make sure you do it differently.
@rhexai Absolutely! Innovation thrives in the realm of the unconventional. Here's to building things that not only stand out but redefine the game! 🛠️
George Aleesu
@istiakahmad Of course, else what's our essence?
George Aleesu
@istiakahmad You're an upcoming unicorn founder? I like that. See you at the top pal
@rhexai Exactly! Our essence lies in the audacity to disrupt, the creativity to redefine, and the tenacity to build something that resonates in the heart of innovation
@rhexai Thanks, my friend! I'm all in on the belief train. Our thoughts create the vibe, and the vibe shapes our reality. Check out this mind-bending science explanation that just made my understanding crystal clear about the power of belief in shaping our shared reality. 🧠 https://fb.watch/opEZZ9ZqrA/?mib...
Jonathan Tahiry
I just feel like I wanna do sth that matters and not just another person that’s been existing on earth 🤔
@jonathantahiry Absolutely! Making a mark, leaving a dent in the universe, and not just being a background character in the grand story of life. Here's to doing things that truly matter! ✨
Delia Wu
For me, I think it's the whole AI trend. Things are moving too fast and I feel it difficult to keep up with my old job. The best way to learn is to dive in. Another big reason is the team. I was very lucky to find the team that I trust with the expertise to really make things happen.
@delia_wu That's the spirit! Riding the wave of AI, embracing the challenge, and finding that dream team to surf through the complexities. Here's to conquering the future, one algorithm at a time! 🤖
The thrill of turning dreams into reality, the freedom to chart my own course, and a dash of "Why not me?" sprinkled on top! What about you?