What unexpected lesson has entrepreneurship taught you?

Vlad Goncharov
10 replies
What’s the most unexpected lesson your entrepreneurial journey has taught you? Share your insights with the community, and let’s learn from each other’s unique experiences together!


Sergey Solovev
Hey. The most unexpected lesson for me was learning how to effectively manage stress. I thought I knew how to manage stress, but the stress of creating my own product is a different story. It's especially bad in the early stages, when you have to combine working on your project with day-to-day job 😃
Felix Scholz
Everybody just figures it out as they go along
Daksh Tyagi
Entrepreneurship showed me that embracing failure is crucial for growth and success in the long run. @leovs09
Milli Sen
Take risks. Be transparent. Build a great team.
Indu Thangamuthu
You can never satisfy people even if you give them what they ask for.
Trader BinQosim
Hello! Qosim here. For me, it was realizing just how crucial empathy is when building a team. I was so focused on skills and results that I overlooked emotional intelligence. Once I started fostering empathy, collaboration and morale soared. It was a game-changer for us! 💡🤝