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  • What unconventional methods do you use to increase your following on X / Twitter?

    10 replies
    I'd love to grow my twitter but it goes very slowly. How does everyone else do it?


    Veit Josef Schneider
    I am using Tweetpeek. You could use my discount code UXDESIGNERVEIT :)
    @kyle_desana Can you show some examples? Got an account I can look at?
    Mihajlo Kovacevic
    Posting memes haha
    @mihajlokovacevic Got an example account or example tweet I can look at?
    I don't want to be an asshole about it, but why do you believe your strategy to work? Seems you got 45 followers since 2019? That is less than 1 follower per month..? Help me understand the math behind this.