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  • What tools or apps do you use to stay motivated and track daily progress on your goals?

    23 replies


    Two Heads
    I use LaunchList.cc. It helps me keep motivated during my product launch and it gives me a clear view of my progress in a fun way! (did you find the easter egg already? :D)
    Two Heads
    @morit oh nice! Let’s connect on X and discuss a potential partnership! x.com/twoheadscrew
    @twoheads LaunchList.cc sounds like a great way to stay engaged! I’m actually building a guiding journal aimed at recording things I’ve successfully accomplished—sort of like a reverse to-do list that’s easy to review and observe. I’m aiming for something playful too. Do you have any tips on making it more fun and engaging?
    @twoheads Looking forward to connecting and exploring a potential partnership. Just followed you on X🚀
    Two Heads
    @morit I dont see you. What’s your handle?
    Rahul Parmar
    I use Todoist for task management and daily goal tracking, along with Habitica to stay motivated by gamifying my progress.
    @rahulparmar2405 Todoist and Habitica make a great combo! I’m building something a bit different—a guiding journal focused on recording daily successes, with a card-based system for longer-term plans. It’s meant to be lighter and more reflective than a typical to-do list. I’m aiming to add some playful elements too. Any suggestions on making it more engaging
    Luka Brzin
    I use a pen and a piece of paper as well as notes app for my personal to-do list.
    Luther Westover
    Using Habitica and Google Keep makes it easier to stay motivated and monitor daily achievements.
    @luther_westover Habitica and Google Keep sound like a solid setup! I’m creating a guiding journal that focuses on recording daily accomplishments, like a reverse to-do list, with a card-based planning system for long-term goals. It’s designed to be lighter and more reflective. I’d love to make it more playful—any ideas on how to enhance motivation
    David Grunwald
    For fitness goals, Strava is perfect.
    @da_vid_grunwald Strava is awesome for fitness tracking! I’m actually working on a guiding journal that focuses on daily successes—kind of like a reverse to-do list, with a card system for long-term planning. It’s meant to be lighter and more reflective, something you can easily look back on. I’d love to make it more engaging and fun to use—do you have any tips on how I could do that?
    Dinda Nancy
    I use Google Calendar to schedule and set reminders for my goals. It keeps me organized and ensures I stay on top of my daily tasks and appointments.
    @dinda_nancy Google Calendar is fantastic for keeping everything on track! I’m working on something a bit different—a guiding journal that focuses on recording daily successes, almost like a reverse to-do list. It also has a card-based system for planning longer-term goals. The idea is to keep it light and easy to review. I’m hoping to make it more playful and engaging—do you have any suggestions on how I could make it more fun to use
    Sana Khan
    I use Todoist to organize my tasks and set daily goals.
    @s_ana_khan Todoist is awesome for managing tasks and goals! I’m working on something a little different—a guiding journal that helps you capture daily successes, almost like a reverse to-do list. It also uses a card system for longer-term planning, keeping things light and easy to review. I’d love to add a playful twist to make it more engaging—any ideas on how I could make it more fun?
    Johanna John
    Notion has been a good way for me. I use it to create custom dashboards that keep all my goals, tasks, and progress in one place. The flexibility of Notion lets me organize my daily activities, track progress, and stay motivated by visualizing my achievements.
    @joha_nna_john Notion’s flexibility is incredible, though I know it can feel a bit complex for some people. I’m working on a guiding journal that’s more focused on recording daily successes—kind of like a reverse to-do list, but with a card system for setting and reviewing longer-term goals. It’s designed to be lighter and easier to use. I’m also looking to make it more playful and engaging—any ideas on how I could add some of that flexibility without making it too complicated?
    Kate Shcherbak
    I use our tool, Amploo, for managing tasks and tracking time. It also lets me view timesheets and make private notes visible only to me.
    Zoe Vivian Thornton
    I've been using Todoist for task tracking too and love it, super helpful for staying on top of daily goals. Recently started using Habitica as well - the gamification aspect definitely helps with motivation! Another one I've found useful is Beeminder, which lets you set quantifiable goals and tracks your progress over time with some neat data visualizations. It even has an accountability feature where you pledge money to stay on track, haha. Curious what others are using too!
    @zoevivianthornton Beeminder is quite interesting