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  • What tools do you use to grow your discord server?

    Zainab Saeed
    8 replies


    Igor Lysenko
    Do you mean advertising the server or setting up bots in discord, etc.?
    Zainab Saeed
    @ixord both, advertising the server and then the bots or activities you are using for engagement.
    Tom Willetts
    What value does your Discord give, and what user pains does it solve? If it's a Discord server tied to your platform, including a call to action on your site is a good idea to increase the visibility. Include benefits of joining the server, such as the ability to provide feedback or speak to you directly more easily. Consider giveaways or competitions - get existing users to invite their friends (you could even consider gamifying this, we created a leader board for most invitations made by each user.). Sharing your Discord on relevant social medias (Reddit, Twitter, PH etc.) could be useful. There are also different websites that let you promote your Discord, but as you open the channel up to more new people make sure you have the relevant security features in place (2FA on the owners account, proper roles and permissions set etc.) Good luck!
    Zainab Saeed
    @tomwilletts THANK YOU SOOO MUCH :') I LOVE THIS!! I love the leaderboard idea, is there any bot for this? Yes, I'm thinking of promoting my community through LinkedIn. Thank you so much.
    Hi there! First of all, be careful of how you measure growth and the size of your server! If you measure it by the number of users, you may be down the wrong path. What matters on Discord is the level of engagement, for example how many people are actively chatting or responsive (eg. reacting to your posts, answering your questions). You may acquire new users and 'grow' your server, but if your members are not engaged, it is pointless. Keep in mind that it is common practice on Discord to mute a server that people don't care about, so there are many 'zombie' servers with impressive membership numbers but little activity. I would prioritize engagement over acquisition any day. Orbit has good content on its blog about how to mea. So, I would first look at practices and tools to 'engage' your users. A lot can be done in terms of engagement without any additional tool because Discord is already feature-rich, but there are a lot of third-party apps/bots that can help as well with engagement. - Top.gg is still the best directory for finding a bot. Discord now has a directory too, which you can find inside your server under 'App Directory' - Giveaways: GiveawayBot and Giveaway Boat are the most popular, the latter makes it possible to open a giveaway only to certain roles, which is convenient if you want to reward some kind of server event participation. - Polls and surveys: polls can be fun and require little effort, can be used to provide feedback or to vote on a day/time for an event. (Private) surveys are useful for your business to really understand who your users are, what they (really) want and how much they (really) like your product/service. Shameless plug, the bot I'm making, Subo the Survey Bot probably provides the best UX to create/manage customized polls and is the only one to run multi-question surveys as well. BTW, it can be used in combination with giveaway bots to reward participants. - XP and levels: these bots gamify the server with points and levels to reward engagement. A lot of generalist options with MEE6, YAGPDB, Carl, Arcane, Sapphire. Crue is also an interesting bot at the intersection of engagement and giveaways. - There are thousands of other third-party apps on Discord. Bots make it possible to customize the experience on your server. When your Discord is starting to see some engagement, you can focus on growth. If you have a Saas product, you may want to recruit from your other social media channels, your website, and probably your app itself in the context of collecting feedback, report bugs, support needed, etc. Be careful that Discord server invites tend to expire, so don't hard code a link that does. Although it is possible to create links that don't expire, I recommend creating a /support or /server page on your main website with a redirect to your server, which you can manage centrally. LinkedIn should be great in a business context. Make sure you run exclusive events on the Discord servers (eg. giveaways, surveys, AMA, office hours, etc), even if you could have run them across other social media or email, just to make sure that people join the server. Good luck with the server!
    Zainab Saeed
    @ogaudemar thank you sooo muchhh! I loved your suggestion and the tools you have shared. I'm facing a lot of difficulty regarding engagement.