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  • What tool we should use to measure effectiveness of PH Launch?

    Satyendra Sahani
    30 replies
    Any suggestion to analytics tool?


    Steve Procter
    why did you launch on PH? measure against that. I imagine it isn't so complicated that you need tools. In most cases don't most people want 2 things... 1. number of signups 2. £££ in the bank
    Satyendra Sahani
    @steveprocter Thanks Steve for simplified answer. I am new to PH and planning my first launch so just being cautious so that I do not miss out anything.
    Bogomil Shopov - Бого
    1. Define your success: What are you trying to measure - is it visits or any other type of a funnel? 2. Then see what tools support your funnel
    Satyendra Sahani
    @bogomep First thing first is the visit it self and then conversion(signups). Does PH gives the analysis of how much traffic came in the product page and how many clicked on the GET IT link?
    Bogomil Shopov - Бого
    @satyendra_sahani it goes with a referrer id as a GET parameter. then you can monitor this with a product like counter.dev or something more powerful, but still privacy respecting.
    Barada Sahu
    Measure traffic to site and conversion events downstream. Post launch - look at brand awareness around product in community and niche you are targeting. This might be less measurable but also quite impactful in terms of recall. If you have virality, baked in - measure the loop. Tools - GA does the job well enuf for this - product analytics go for amplitude
    Satyendra Sahani
    @barada_sahu Do you mean traffic to site as PH traffic to site?
    Fabian Maume
    Google Analytics to check traffic and signup stats. Smartlook Qualitative Analytics to have some recording of your onboarding process, and make sure there is no issue with it.
    Satyendra Sahani
    @fabian_maume I had Google analytics in place. Thanks for suggesting Smartlook Qualitative Analytics. I have forwarded this to tech team to look into this.
    Most analytics software should do. You should view your PH launch as part of a long ongoing series of launches. It never stops :D
    @avidnote @satyendra_sahani be careful with EU policies regarding user data. fathom has nice explanation here, https://usefathom.com/blog/illeg...
    Kesava Mandiga
    Hey Satyendra, If it helps, here's a little explanation. We launched the Wingman Mobile App on Product Hunt yesterday and got to #10 on the featured list by the end of the day. Here's how I'm measuring immediate outcomes across the funnel. Caveat: Our app is free, but it works on top of a subscription service. So we're looking for new signups as well as app installs. Goal: Awareness + Signups + App Installs Metrics: Traffic to our site + Conversions (new signups and app installs) Tools: Intercom for email clicks (we sent announcements to customers and prospects, so this shows us traffic to PH) + Google Analytics for traffic to our site and signups + App Store/Play Store for app installs If you aren't already, please use UTM links everywhere possible! Hope this is useful for your product launch. Our launch: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Michael Kosorukov
    Tool-wise, there's been already lots of suggestions. I'd like to point out another important aspect - the metric you use to measure success. And here it really depends on the type of product, the usage patterns, the monetization model, ect. Consider it a new channel experiment. You likely don't want to use the top-of-the-funnel engagement as the metric for success as you'll not know if these leads will get value from the product and ultimately pay. So you'll have to find the leading metric that best approximates the revenue. For transactional products, it might make sense to look directly at bookings. In our case, for example, the cycles are somewhat long, and we're SaaS which means we'll need a user to activate and then continuously be engaged with the product and experience the value over a long enough period of time to consider it a success. So we'll track how many PH leads are activated in the product (performed the steps necessary to experience value) and then breadth and depth of engagement further down the funnel. Good luck!
    Satyendra Sahani
    @michael_kosorukov 1 in million points ✨ . Thank you for the response. My cycle is similarly longer and requires user activation before any transaction happen.
    Amin Jigari
    pH measurements are typically made using a calibrated pH meter at 25 °C (or other specified temperature), and give a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution for KrogerFeed