What tool do you use to plan your work & why?

Jay • www.sectar.co
3 replies
1. I use Todoist as a jotter-pad to put everything in - personal, professional, habits, household. 2. A book and pen to plan the next day. I do this the night before. I carry the book around everywhere 🙃 3. Notion as my project management tool which sort of acts as a source for my “work” related tasks.


Igor Lysenko
I made my own product called IXORD Notes, it's free. This is a tool that can increase your productivity many times over, and we have AI that will always solve any issue. If you have any questions, write to me on LinkedIn.
Jay • www.sectar.co
@ixord Sounds really nice. I see there isn’t a Mac or iOS option, though? Anything on the roadmap?
Igor Lysenko
@jay_sahitya This application is cross-platform