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  • What to do when you're easily burned out?

    Cailyn Yong
    9 replies
    What are some tips when you're easily burned out? I'm currently running my startup and there are soooo many tasks that I have to do. I love the process but my body gets easily tired. Would love to hear how you guys manage all your workload and stay ahead!!


    David J. Kim
    Recently found this excellent article that helps me: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/... TL;DR: Instead of following the rigidness of Pomodero, work for as long as you want and when you need a break take a break the length of 1/3rd or 1/4th of your time worked. i.e if you worked for 60 minutes, take a 20 min or 15 min break.
    Cailyn Yong
    @between_team Hi! This is a great article. I've realized I've been working nonstop without breaks. Thanks for the advice!!
    Ng Fang Kiang
    Take a break, pomodoro technique, exercising, meditation and so on.
    Cailyn Yong
    @jorcus Thanks! I should try doing these activities more from now on
    Bogomil Shopov - Бого
    Threat Modeling e-book
    Threat Modeling e-book
    Ah welcome to my world: 1) Create daily goals - for example - prepare a mailing campaign. It should be something small you can finish in a day. 2) Reward yourself - after finishing the goal - get something that makes you happy. 3) Take a walk. Go out (if you can) and walk for say 15 min. You will get relaxed and in the same time you will get some new ideas. 4) Meditate. I know most of the people don't like this technique, but even a very basic prana breathing exercise helps a lot. There are a lot of videos to help you get started It's really hard to change your way of working - start small and then see what works for you and do more of it. Good luck!
    Cailyn Yong
    @bogomep Hey! Thank you so much for these tips. I realized I've not been rewarding myself, which was why I was easily burned out.
    I've gotten burnt out only a few times in my life but when it's happened, it's taught me some valuable lessons. The major thing I tried to implement was scheduling "free time" everyday. Initially it might seem impossible given there are so many things to do, but it truly can become part of your routine. I use a calendar with various colours, but a bright green is assigned to "me time", whether that be doing some self-care or meeting some friends/family. My advice is to make your free time more of a task you need to complete in your calendar that is on-par in importance with other tasks so you're more inclined to take it seriously and not brush it away. Hope this helps :)
    Cailyn Yong
    @maxine_buchert Hey! Great to know you. Thank you for this advice. I'm really trying to slot a separate time for myself, but it always seems to get out of the way because of other priorities. I should prioritize this time as well..
    @cailyn_yong It can absolutely be a challenge but for me, it was equally worthwhile. Now it comes naturally to me! I hope the same can happen for you :)