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  • What things do you find AI helps you the most with? What are some of the AI tools you are using?

    28 replies


    Hudson Roman
    I find AI really helps me with time management. Tools like Notion AI and Trello’s automation features streamline my tasks, making my day much more efficient.
    @hudson_roman Saving time is always so important to make our day enjoyable!
    I think ai writing code has helped me the most and saved me a lot of time, I'm using chatgpt and poe, v0.dev and a host of other products that assist in writing code. Programmers need to write code efficiently, and I use AI to help me with that, and I'm willing to pay for it. It's similar to how designers refer to beautiful interface designs, marketers create eye-catching posters and compelling copy, cooking enthusiasts search for recipes and cuisines, and travelers seek attraction recommendations and route planning. Whether it's career-related or hobby-related, or just everyday needs, starting from these points can spark a lot of inspiration!
    @kamjin I completely agree! AI tools like ChatGPT and others have transformed the way we code, making us way more efficient. It's fascinating how we can leverage these innovations to boost creativity, whether for coding, design, or marketing. As a developer, I'm all in on integrating AI into my workflow, especially for complex projects. It’s such a game changer for productivity and inspiration! Excited to see how this evolves! 💻
    AI has significantly improved my workflow, especially in automating repetitive tasks and enhancing decision-making processes. Coding aids such as codeium and Cursor have saved me a lot of time, and ChatGPT and Claude's answers to my mistakes are often right on the mark. I often look up tools through 'AIWITH.ME', as I'm responsible for building the site, which includes a lot of great AI products! I find tools like Notion AI invaluable for content creation and organization. Additionally, I frequently use tools like Jasper for copywriting and DALL-E for generating visuals. It's fascinating to see how AI can optimize everything from project management to marketing strategies. What about the community? Any go-to tools you all swear by?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    It is creating ideas (brainstorming) + correcting English grammar.
    @busmark_w_nika You're right, sometimes we have a single idea, and with AI, the possibilities are increased
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    AI plays a big role in everything I do today. For me, it’s essential in managing my remote team, scheduling tasks, and handling all aspects of daily operations.
    @hamza_afzal_butt It looks like you've made AI a part of your life's work, which is the ultimate in efficiency!
    William Campbell
    AI helps me stay organized. I use tools like Todoist to keep track of my to-do list and Google Calendar for scheduling. It’s great to have reminders and tasks automatically sorted out!
    @w_illiam_campbell AI is indeed an expert at organizing, and a lot of complicated repetitive tasks can be handed over to him
    Edward Moore
    Foe drafting and editing, I lean on tools like Grammarly and Hemingway. They help polish my writing and catch mistakes I might miss.
    @edward_mo_ore It's like another person around to help check the manuscript, which is great
    Teekaram Yogi
    Canva and Adobe’s AI tools make graphic design and photo editing easier.
    @teekaram_teekaramyogi Woo, these are all well-known software. After these softwares add AI functions, they are more efficient and more inspired!
    Natalia Demianenko
    AI helps me come up with ideas, write code, and edit texts. Most of the time, I just use ChatGPT. When I need to gather information, like for an online events digest or for my directory, I use the AIScraper .co
    @n_demia That's a great combo! Leveraging ChatGPT for content and AIScraper for data really streamlines the workflow. Have you found any particular features of AIScraper that stand out?
    Odette Celeste Montgomery
    I've been using AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude quite a bit to help with coding and content creation. It's a huge time saver for generating boilerplate code, catching errors, explaining concepts, and iterating on copy. Some other great AI-powered tools I'm enjoying are Midjourney for generating design assets and Speechify for text-to-speech. AI is becoming an indispensable tool in my workflow, definitely worth paying for to boost productivity. Curious what AI tools others are finding most useful!
    @odettecelestemontgomery You're right, it looks like you're using the same scenario as me, and of course, I've seen tools in the comments that I haven't seen before, and I'm getting ready to try them!
    Mirah Shah
    AI has made data analysis way more efficient for me. I use tools like Tableau with AI integrations to spot trends and insights that I might have missed otherwise. I think it’s really enhanced my decision-making process
    @mirah_shah Great to hear how AI is transforming your data analysis workflow! Tools like Tableau with those AI features can definitely help uncover insights you might not catch on your own. It’s exciting to see how technology is enhancing decision-making processes in a more efficient way. Are there any specific trends or insights you've found particularly impactful? Would love to hear more about your experience!
    Remy Traphagan
    I find AI really helpful in organizing my thoughts. Tools like Mind Meister use AI to create and organize mind maps, making it easier to visualize ideas more clearly.
    @remy_traphagan You're right, AI can help us organize ideas and brainstorm! Thanks for sharing your tools!
    Claudia Dennis
    AI-powered language translation technologies have been quite useful to me, particularly when working with foreign teams. DeepL, in my opinion, is an excellent tool for translating documents or even having brief talks.
    @claudia_dennis You're right, translations are very useful for teams working across borders, and DeepL's translations are very accurate!
    Tom Nick
    AI has been a helpful for managing my schedule. Tools like Google Calendar’s smart scheduling and task reminders keep me organized.
    Paul Mbetobong
    I rely heavily on AI for data analysis at work. Platforms like Tableau use AI to help visualize complex data, making it easier to interpret and present.
    AI is everywhere in my life, and it's been a total game-changer for me. As an engineer, I'm now using AI to write code, and it's made me way more efficient at my job. I'm also using AI to help out with my side project, AI Tool Trek. ChatGPT-4 has been a lifesaver for summarizing product info and sorting everything into categories. It's made the whole process so much smoother. Even in my day-to-day life, AI is there to lend a hand. Whether I need a quick history lesson or a translation, AI's got my back. When it comes to the AI tools I use the most, it's definitely ChatGPT and Claude. But since I'm working on AI Tool Trek, I'm always keeping my eyes peeled for the latest and greatest AI products out there. You never know what cool new tool might pop up and make life even easier!