What stage of your startup are you in and what is important to keep in mind while growing?

Surya Manivannan
3 replies
I’ve always been one to daydream about the next stage of my startup. While crafting my MVP, my mind was already racing ahead, eager to gather feedback from a broad user base and refine the product. Yet, now that I’m at the stage of onboarding initial users, my sights are set on securing funding to propel things to the next level. In hindsight, there’s immense value in not rushing the process. Even though the temptation to rush things was immense, staying rooted in the core problem I’m addressing has allowed me to build a strong foundation. This deliberate pace meant I could prioritize the immediate needs of each phase, rather than waste all my time putting out fires from the previous one. In the initial phase, my energy was spent sculpting an MVP for the news assistant and iterating based on feedback from a select group of test users. Now the focus has naturally shifted. Onboarding is top of mind, with parallel efforts to enhance the app’s UX and elevate content quality. The journey of a startup is marked by various stages, each with its own set of challenges and learnings. What’s been consistent for me is the belief in organic growth and a commitment to the problem we're solving.


We are close to launch right now!
Surya Manivannan
@andriyuh thats great! what are you building?