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  • What social media channels work best for your business?

    Olena Bomko
    25 replies
    I use LinkedIn and Twitter (X) - I have been using LinkedIn for 3 years. - This year, I started using Twitter. And you? Share your links. Let's connect :) My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olen... My Twitter: https://twitter.com/olenabomko


    James Cluff
    While Telegram is a rather effective tool for advertising, not many people are aware of it!
    Fabian Maume
    Are you getting good organic reach on Twitter? The impression went down drastically last year for me.
    Huudle AI Project Assistant
    Linkedin :)
    Mansi Trivedi
    Already follow you on Twitter and just sent a request on LinkedIn! πŸ˜„πŸ˜Š I am trying to be more active on Twitter now, so hopefully you'll see me on your timeline! πŸ˜…πŸ‘€
    Eliza Crescini
    Instagram - very good Threads - good (people are supportive here) Twitter - it was a bit hard, you need to do a lot of engagements to be known. By the way, if you could follow us here, we would really appreciate you! By the way, I followed your links! Thank you. Twitter: @trysyllaby Instagram: @trysyllaby Threads: @trysyllaby
    Elena Tsemirava
    The same for me: LinkedIn and Twitter.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @daniel_henry4 What do you sell? B2C?
    @daniel_henry4 hi there! I want to double down on Instagram page too! Any tip from your experience? Thanks 😊
    I haven't had any paying customers so it's hard to say πŸ˜‚
    Anthony Sellitto
    Twitter best for engagement I use their XPro tool as well.
    Alex Nix
    Telegram works pretty well for advertisement, but not a lot of people know about it!
    Nettie Thomas
    LinkedIn and Twitter yield highest engagement for our B2B audience.
    Austin Armstrong
    Twitter: @trysyllaby - a bit of a challenge now but still worth the work Instagram: @trysyllaby - always fun to post in this platform, getting the most traction from this Threads: @trysyllaby - seems to be doing better than twitter
    Claudio Mendonca
    I mainly use LinkedIn.