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  • What skill or talent are you really good at, but haven't found a way to monetize sustainably yet?

    Harshil Patel
    16 replies
    I am really good at Workshop Facilitation and I run workshops every now and then. But to be able to transform that into an additional revenue stream, I think I need more knowledge. How about you? Is there a way for us to collect such stories and inspiration in here 🤔


    Lazar J
    I am skilled at writing and storytelling, but I haven’t found a solid way to turn that into a steady income stream. How about you?
    Harshil Patel
    @lazar_j1 I am into Workshop Design and Facilitation (Product Design & Strategy) but haven't been able to figure out a way to package and distribute it.. 🫤
    Kavya Tripathi
    Rotoscoping :’(
    Harshil Patel
    @kavyaaatripathi I just looked it up. Interesting stuff. What's stopping you?
    Kavya Tripathi
    @harshil_patel03 So basically I trace or as we say rotoscope over the videos i shoot or gather out from any platform and I am not sure if that is actual actual animation or not.
    Larry Kim
    I’m really good at organizing and planning events, but I haven’t figured out how to turn that into a steady income. Any ideas?
    lily gordy
    I’m great at graphic design, but I haven’t managed to monetize it consistently.
    Andrew Schmidt
    I’ve got a knack for writing engaging content, but I’m still looking for a way to make it a sustainable source of income.
    Harshil Patel
    @andrew_schmidt_ I am developing love for writing and I am getting obsessed about it. Soon I would want to find ways to monetise it.
    Hazel Mathew
    I am good at designing interactive experiences, but I haven’t yet nailed down a sustainable business model for it. Interested in hearing your ideas!
    Harshil Patel
    @hazel_mathew When you say interactive experiences, you talking digital products design or your spectrum is more broad?
    Daniel Taylor
    Animation! My 2D animation skills are top notch but monetizing them has been a struggle. Maybe it's time to pivot to making animated explainer videos for startups? 🤔💰
    Harshil Patel
    @danieltaylorr Would be a great niche mate 🤑 Trust me. I was active on Upwork for sometime and I saw a lot of these pop in my feed. It's a growing space for animators.