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  • What's your tip to finding a great technical co-founder?

    emmanuel Onuoha
    9 replies


    Marco Garcia
    Use YC's platform for finding a cofounder.
    Divine Rivers
    I did a successful search on Linkedin. I cold DM'd my current technical cofounder and had a long feeling out period. Has been nothing short of amazing and We are now in a place where we are anticipating the Launch of our marketplace for sign-ups come July 17th. Funny nugget, the first DM I sent that met in person over coffee was unknowingly an engineer on the founding team of Apple Pay. Unfortunately, he had left Apple weeks prior to start his own start-up. We remain great friends but nothing short of amazing when he told me his accomplishments.
    André J
    Look at GitHub. That's where the superstars are.
    Quinn Li O'Shea
    @sentry_co do you just find contributors on Github you like and then find them on another platform and cold outreach? Would love to learn more about this... I've considered it but honestly feels like a bad use of time... but maybe I'm thinking about it wrong?