What’s your social media behaviour?

Lodovico Sella
7 replies
We spend, on average, 4 hours per day on Social Media. However, I wish to invest my time in more productive activities like social learning. What do you think?


I don't spend that many. At most an hour or and hour and a half. My social media bahaviour is to reply much but post little. I prefer my own websites when I am in the mood of publishing something.
Richard Gao
I think you can channel those hours into productive ones. For me, rather than spending time on social media purely for entertainment, I try to spend that time on Product Hunt or connecting with people.
Richard Gao
@lodovico_sella No problem. Only issue is that sometimes I exhaust the new posts here on the discussion board in PH. So I might use other sites like indiehacker to do the same as well.