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  • What’s your secret for staying productive in an increasingly noisy digital world?

    Oyinkansola Robiat
    6 replies
    Mine is a combination of time-blocking and digital minimalism. I schedule focused work sessions and limit distractions by turning off notifications, keeping only essential apps, and regularly decluttering my digital spaces. This helps me stay organized and focused in a noisy digital world.


    Kelly Kim
    Sunrise: Guided Journaling & Mindfulness
    Sunrise: Guided Journaling & Mindfulness
    No disturb mode on when I'm focusing on work.
    Willow Evangeline Harlow
    I limit focus time to strict 25min pomodoros. Silent phone in another room, close all unneeded browser tabs/apps, website blockers on. Helps me stay laser focused in short bursts! Also regular mini digital detoxes - totally offline for a day or two to reset and recharge.
    Isabella Claire Anderson
    I silence all notifications on my phone and computer when in deep work mode. Also use apps like Freedom to block distracting sites. Pomodoro technique helps too - work in focused sprints with short breaks. Keeping a clean, uncluttered workspace is key for me as well.