What's your most productive day of the week?

Relja Denic
24 replies
Main is Thursday


Mehraz Morshed
Its Sunday! In Bangladesh, weekdays are from Sunday to Thursday. Friday + Saturday are the weekend.
Mondays! Fresh start of the week. Lots of ideas from the weekend to execute.
Shen-Ho Lui
Monday too! I find that starting the week fresh and motivated helps me tackle tasks more efficiently. Plus, I've had the weekend to recharge, so I'm raring to go on Monday mornings :)
Jawad Tijani
Mondays indeed are special. You get back to work fresh and ready to conquer!
albert jhon
Obviously Monday. Usually on this day I work on my Website.
Olena Bomko
Most weeks, it's Sunday 😂
Ivan Dudin
Monday. Though it's by mood and task
Shibbir Ahmad
Today for sure, cause today I had a tour with my lovely family!
Dzmitry Tsemirau
For me these are Monday till Thursday. I don't see any difference in productivity between them.
Elena Tsemirava
For me it is usually Monday before luch
Isa Tanis
End of the Mondays when I have no notifications
Susan Fischer
Tuesdays, or wednesdays for absolutely no reasons at all
Sara jalildokhti
i feel like mine is on wedensdays!
Kate Chasten
except for Mondays which I hate, I think I'm productive during the week.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
Every day is a productive day when you're running the show! 💪