What's your morning routine?

Shreyas Iyer
12 replies
Morning routines are an important part of setting the tone for the rest of the day. But, just like with any routine, it's important to find what works best for you. I would love to hear from you! What is your morning routine like? Do you have any specific rituals or habits that you find particularly helpful for starting your day off? What have you found to be most effective? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


Ivan Ralic
When I have too much to do, my morning routine is: ➜ Prepare a cup of coffee ➜ Start working After 4-5 hours of deep work, I (sometimes) exercise, go to the shower, end with cold one, plan the day and alignment for my team 😄 I get up super early (3-4am) so 5 horus of deep work before any morning routine works for me. When I'm on the relaxed schedule, I usually do: ➜ Meditation ➜ Exercise ➜ Planning ➜ Coffee & Work
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
Meditation, cup of coffee and some lo-fi music.
Matthew Parkhurst
Coffee, shower, going through emails
Satyanarayan Prashar
Morning? 😝 I have always struggled to go to bed early, so basically I wake up in afternoon too😂 But I do want to change this, I have realized that the day I wake up early I'm more productive. Few more consistent days and I'll join the 5 am club. Any tips to wake up early?? 😂😂
Elizabeth Tishchenko
@satyanarayan_prashar There are many components to it and it will take time to readjust yourself. 1. Try to wake up every day earlier than before with an alarm clock and give yourself no excuses. Your body will naturally start heading to sleep earlier than before. Do a slow shift otherwise it would be too stressful. 2. Avoid excessive screen time before going to sleep, also eating, and don't exercise within 2h before sleep. 3. Go for a short talk outside Hope this will help
Aria Johnson
My morning routine usually starts with coffee. ☕️Then I jump into the day’s Task!👩‍💻
walk the dog, avocado toast, americano, WORK! :)
Samuel ‎Mi
I have to take a shower before doing anything productive. I feel like this not only wakes you up but it gives the feeling of freshness and I'm always like now I have to go do something.
Elizabeth Tishchenko
My morning routine is quite prolonged, but gives me a sense of accomplishment and energy to work till late eve: ➜ Wake up early ➜ Quick exercise & stretching ➜ 15 min walk outside ➜ Cold shower ➜ Set a goal for the day ➜ Breakfast & a cup of coffee ➜ Reading a few articles on specific topics ➜ 12-min meditation on focus as a first mini-break
Johnny Price
Morning rituals are essential! Coffee and some little stretching are often how mine begins. I've discovered that getting my body moving in the morning aids in my awakening and increases my level of energy.
Raj Lal
➜ Waking early, ➜ Spending some time alone thinking ➜ Planning the day, time boxing ➜ going for a walk ➜ Start the day with 1 mini project for the day