What's your go-to tool for remote team collaboration?

Vlad Zivkovic
71 replies
Hey Product Hunters, share your favourite tool for remote team collaboration.


Rob Alport
One I discovered a few years ago that I keep going back to is Metro Retro. More limited than Figma, but nice and simple to introduce new teams to retrospectives.
Hana Park
Slack, Notion, Google, Figma, Miro to start with!
Hana Park
@vladimir_zivkovic Miro is great when you want a plain whiteboard style collaboration for brainstorming, grouping, prioritizing and so on. Try!!
Bedford West
@codo_hana this is pretty much my remote tool/collab stack, as well! Definitely agree with Miro being useful. Miro and Notion both stand out as being on top of their game with updates, as well - constantly getting better!
Gather for catching up, Docs, and Sheet - you know why.
Suleman Elahi
For quite sometime we are using Freehand by InVision.
Slack - 1 v 1 communication Notion - Documentation Figma - Design sharing ClickUp - Project Management Asana - Project Management (Personal Consulting) Toggl - Time Tracker
Karina Garcia
@balamurali what is the difference with ClickUp and Asana? Why are you using both? Are they not the same?
@karinagarcia21 Hi Karina, I use ClickUp in my org and Asana is used to interact with my clients during my consulting gig. They essentially do the same tasks.
Lori Anderson
Slack is my go-to tool for remote team collaboration due to its seamless communication and organized channels.
Todd Thompson
Microsoft Teams is another popular choice, offering chat, video calls, and file sharing, along with integration with Microsoft Office applications.
Steve Perez
Trello is great for project-oriented collaboration, providing visual boards and cards to track tasks and monitor progress.
We use Jira for project and task management, TMetric for time tracking and time off management, and Microsoft Teams for communication and online meetings (but I prefer Slack and Zoom).
Vlad Zivkovic
@soylakate Isn't Microsoft Teams easier, instead of Slack and Zoom?
@vladimir_zivkovic I've been using Slack for a few years and I guess I got used to it :) And Zoom seems to be better for meetings with 100+ participants because Teams can fail sometimes, unfortunately.
Unknown User
The basics: Slack, Notion, Monday.com & Miro
Julien Fayad
For a team of Software devs: - Gitlab - Mattermost - Figma - Miro - Google Workspace
Notion + Figma + Telegram + Meet
Orysia Khimiak
Afraid I will name the same tools: Zoom, Notion, Slack, Google docs
Vlad Zivkovic
@mark_pavlyukovskyy How is Skype doing now? From market leader to almost forgotten platform, I don't know why Microsoft let it down.
Louise Defount
It has to be either Slack or Asana
andrea smith
The whole Google Suite - Docs, Sheets, Meet, etc. Slack, Asana, Notion, Miro, Figma.
"Gather" - Anyone?
Anna Hanusová
Less is more :) Google, Monday, Pipedrive and Figma
kate mcmorris
Slack!! Couldn't work without it.
Václav Mrkvička
really like Basecamp, Monday and Slack the most from those I've worked with over the last couple of years, each has its merits based on what you're working on