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  • What’s Your Go-To Lead Generation Strategy?

    Vimal Kumar
    12 replies
    Lead generation is the lifeline for most businesses. From cold emailing to social media outreach or leveraging tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator, everyone has a unique approach. What’s your most effective strategy for generating quality leads? Share your tips and learn from others in the community!


    Hugo Dominic Carmichael
    100% agree on LinkedIn lead gen! Connecting with ideal customers, sharing helpful content consistently, and starting genuine convos has been huge for my biz. Another tactic that works well is partnering with others in your niche for webinars, ebooks, etc to get in front of their audience. Gotta go where your people are and provide value!
    Puja Kumari
    For me, it’s all about leveraging LinkedIn. Connecting with people in the industry and sharing relevant content works wonders for generating quality leads.
    Julia Klemenc
    Content marketing is my strategy of choice. Sharing valuable insights through blogs and guides attracts leads who are genuinely interested in what we provide.
    Sandy Leventh
    Using targeted ads on social media with clear calls to action has been my best strategy. It helps me reach the right audience and capture leads efficiently.
    Isabella Claire Anderson
    I typically find the most success with content marketing - creating highly relevant, valuable content that answers people's questions and addresses their pain points. Consistently putting out great content boosts SEO, generates inbound links, and attracts qualified leads. Repurposing content into different formats like videos, infographics, webinars etc also gives you more mileage from each piece. It takes time and effort but pays dividends in the long run!
    Paul Hill
    For me, it's a combination of content marketing and targeted outreach on social media. I create valuable, relevant content that addresses my target audience's pain points, and then share it consistently on LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. to build my brand and authority. Then I layer on personalized outreach to promising leads, offering helpful info/resources related to their challenges. Takes some effort but generates high-quality leads over time.
    Evelyn Rose Sinclair
    Cold outreach is still my bread and butter for lead gen. I target specific personas on LinkedIn, craft personalized messages highlighting how my product/service can help solve their pain points, and aim to start a conversation. It's not about the hard sell right away, but building that initial relationship. I also make sure to test different message variations to see what gets the best response rates. Consistency is key!
    Daniel Joseph Bennett
    LinkedIn is great for that for sure! I've also found a lot of success with content marketing - putting out helpful blog posts, videos, etc. that attract inbound leads. Guest posting on other relevant sites to get backlinks and referral traffic has worked really well too. Oh and don't sleep on good old fashioned email outreach to relevant prospects! The key is providing value in your initial outreach rather than being too sales-y.