What's your favourite thing about working Remote?
Adith Mathialagan
10 replies
Let me start with mine - not getting stuck at traffic only to be grumpy at work.

Raghav A@rag_arora

Kick Your Startup
Can spend time learning something new.
The flexibility to spend more time with my kids and my wife.
100% the flexibility. I can set my day around when I'm most productive and do other things during the "non-productive" times getting 2x as much done.
A very close second is ending the commute. Forget the $ suck, the time suck and stress reduction of not having to deal with traffic or mass transit.
Just the fact that working from home gives you the freedom to shape your day. Being able to fit in the little "self care" things when you really need to, makes ALL the difference in your stamina and your attitude.
Flexibility, lack of unnecessary pressure and freedom.
Definitely flexibility and not spending time in traffic
- wide communication from all over the world
- sharing diverse experience
- spending free time with my family
One of my favorite things about working remotely is the flexibility it provides. Being able to choose my own workspace and schedule allows me to find a balance that suits me best.
As a freelance designer, I value my time a lot. I complete my tasks quickly because of my already built skills and knowledge, and using the rest of the day for learning something new.
Freedom without a doubt! I love being able to set my own schedule, work from anywhere, and have the flexibility to balance work and life in a way that suits me best. Wouldn't have it any other way!