What's your favorite app? And why?

Alisha Widianti
48 replies
There are a lot of great products and apps in the world! My favorite one is Spotify! It helps me find all the best music the world has to offer and I love its UX! What's yours?


Jake Harrison
YouTube and Twitter, it can open eyes and see some many different things.
Adam Lui
My most used one is GitHub, my most enjoyable one is chess.com
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
Telegram because they have done so many updates recently
Bhargav Patel
Spotify for me as well! Large button layouts and an easy-to-navigate system. Even while driving or cycling, I'm easily able to manage the player.
Prem Saini
Linkedin Anyday! for its expertise in professional networking, creating useful connections and business-related insights.
Aden Will
I like Instagram
Dennis Aronov
I like YouTube, regardless of the mood, you can always find something whether it's a vlog or music or a tutorial, it has it!
Olena Bomko
LinkedIn and YouTube.
Steve Lou
I love headspace and Maps.me
Anthony Adams
I also like Spotify, but I prefer soundcloud nowadays
Alisha Widianti
@anthony_adams_ Interesting! Would you mind sharing why? I enjoy SoundCloud too, there are a lot of excellent mixes there!
Soundcloud is my go-to app. It allows me to escape into a world of fantasy through the songs I listen to.
Chris Watson
Instagram for sure! It experiments with new features and gives the best user experience!