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  • What's your early morning routine (first hour)? ☀️

    Frank Sondors
    78 replies
    For me it's 1. Coffee! 5-6 cuppas a day, every day, baby! 😎 2. Respond to all warm leads in my inbox 3. Respond to all cold email replies in Salesforge 4. Respond on Reddit, Linkedin, and other social channels. 5. Check the calendar for the day. Put on some dope music and get pumped for the 10 demos. 6. Finish off with writing a PH post. What's your morning routine?


    Joe Montanino
    1. Breathwork in the sun. 2. Drink electrolytes. 3. Workout. 4. Breakfast smoothie.
    Mahnoor Ahmed
    My early morning routine usually consists of getting up, drinking a glass of water, stretching, doing a few minutes of yoga, meditating for a few minutes, and then making breakfast.
    Gabriel Greyson
    A cup of coffee with Newspapaer
    Treebel S
    @gabriel_greyson this is closer to my routine. It sounds like we have to start doing more yoga tho :)
    Bibhu Panda
    1.Not checking my phone. 2. preparing my messed up bed. 3.Practice meditation.
    Charlotte Chiang
    Haha, crazy how everyone has quite different routines! 1. Stay in bed for a few minutes, thinking about dreams I had, what I'm grateful for, and how I want my day to go 2. Water & supplements 3. Watering the plants 4. Morning walk or stretching 5. Breakfast
    Treebel S
    @charmandro haha I know so many amazing routines here. I’m convinced I’ll have to do yoga in the mornings. Btw I noticed a few days ago that you’re a pretty savvy investor, would love your feedback on my product launch 🚀 today (https://www.producthunt.com/post...)
    Amir Zarandi
    @charmandro Hi Charlotte, just followed your launch. Will make sure to support on the day. I just launched today and I could really use your support with an honest review. Can I kindly request your help? Thank you so much
    One of the most interesting discussions for me personally 😁 1. Washing up and making up my bed. 2. Having a walk with my dog. 3. Having breakfast. 4. Starting to work.
    @profy17 haha, well, the first 2 points are definitely done within the first hour😁 while posting the initial comment, I completely forgot the idea was about the first hour after waking up:)
    Nick Anisimov
    Product Hunt.
    André J
    Newly baked crosaint + freshly squeezed orange juice + freshly grinded coffee = ready for anything 💪
    Igor Lysenko
    Hold two rallies with two departments and go out to eat and start working
    Vinnie Tran
    Do yoga: I go to the yoga center at 5:30 am or 6:30 am and spend 1 hour there. :) Then: - Have a breakfast: I prefer smoothies, granola, milk - Listen to music There are something I would like to add to my to-do list and keep them as my habit: - Drink water - Write grateful journal - Do 5-minute meditation And, a bad habit I would like to quit - Grab my phone and check social media & email 🥰🥰🥰
    Alec Nguyen
    @vinnie_tran Hi Vinnie, I launched today and I would be incredibly grateful if you could support me with an honest review. Here's the link: https://lnkd.in/gS-ADUi6
    Oleg Eltsov
    Some coffee and twitter.
    Frank Sondors
    @oleg_eltsov you check twitter or tweet stuff?
    Treebel S
    @oleg_eltsov be honest, you’re not on threads?
    Indu Thangamuthu
    Stay in bed...roll and think of my dream for around 10 mins. For the rest of the time, alarm my half-awake mind about “late punch and side effects" to start the day! 😥😣
    Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO
    Morning walk. Such a sweet way to start the day.
    Divine Rivers
    The first hour is checking my emails, checking my calendar, and then engaging on PH. I love it as I start my day at 6:00 am and allows me to check engagement for the launch of our marketplace for sign-ups come July 17th off the list.
    Divine Rivers
    I also practice an intermittent fasting protocol; so no need to worry about prepping or making breakfast. It is a time saver while having so many health and fitness benefits.
    1. Get ready 2. Have breakfast 3. Check calendar for meetings for the day 4. Leave for office 🚗
    Drew "Sales Playbook Builder" Williams
    1. rinse face with cold water 2. put contacts in 3. workout 45mins on eliptical in basement 4. stretch 5. make coffee! 6. write a page for a book (i've decided to write a book) 7. make breakfast for family (usually smoothies or eggs + toast) 8. take kid to school 9. work, work, work, work, work
    Buse Kara
    Absolutely a cup of coffee. I am afraid of I have caffeine addiction :(
    Shajedul Karim
    ah, the sacred morning routine. here's how mine unfolds: 1. wake, unplug from the digital world. moments of solitude. 2. then, coffee (just one cup!). a ritual of anticipation. 3. a quiet walk. nature, my first conversation of the day. 4. next, journaling. reflections, intentions, thoughts dancing on paper. 5. a stint of deep work. distractions asleep, creativity awake. 6. light breakfast, and then, my first digital interaction. no emails, just product hunt or twitter. 7. finally, a glance at the day's agenda. ready to dive into the tide. everyone's rhythm is different. key is, find your cadence. and, your morning routine is your life in miniature. mold it with care. what other rituals help you tune in?
    Hello :-) Pour ma part c'est un grand verre d'eau chaude avec un zeste de citron, avant de partir pour un run matinal dans le parc à côté de chez moi avec mon chien (c'est pas que je veuille courir mais j'ai plus tellement le choix haha). Je rentre ensuite pour prendre mon petit déjeuner et enchaîne bien réveillée par le travail !