What’s your current project ? Share the link

Mansour Mahamat
8 replies


Mengod KIDJO
My current project is a data generator with possibility to export data to JSON, SQL, HTML and TSV or by using an API. landing page : https://ipsumdb.io app : https://app.ipsumdb.io Account creation is free and you have a gifted project No need of subscription, you pay just for feature you want.
Chris Sarca
Working on Expressive Suite. - Expressive Canvas (Vector editing & creation app) - Expressive Animator (2D motion graphics and vector animations app, animated SVG, Lottie, APNG, WebM, and more) - More apps coming soon (Photo Editing, Video Editing, Character Rigging, Digital Drawing, and more) Non-cloud-based, no internet connection required, work directly on the browser or install the apps as PWAs(progressive web applications)! We're using Web Assembly and WebGL to render graphics at a near-native speed. https://expressivesuite.com/ Join the waitlist, we're gonna launch pretty soon! 🤘
Eric Beans
https://www.happhi.com HapPhi is a brand-able creative playground of artificial intelligence driven microservices to supercharge businesses and software products. Basically Twilio for things Twilio doesn’t do.
Presser Gamified newsletter to stay connected without the effort https://app.presserhq.com/latest
Maya A
@graham_patel Looks super cool. As a non-technical person, this would be super helpful in enabling people like me to build apps
Steven Birchall
Currently working on an async video collection tool called Vouch - https://vouchfor.com Originally focused on Testimonials, we've seen customers get value in using it anywhere they want to add video to an existing workflow or process (ie. Recruitment, Feedback, Team Comms, etc)
Bogdan Popa
Trying to see if https://alfread.io makes sense in today's world. Took a break from reading some time ago and I would have liked something similiar back then.