What's your current favorite programming language and what killer feature is missing from it?

Laurentiu Ciobanu
16 replies
90% of the time I'm writing something it's in TypeScript (and I love it so much) and the features I miss the most are Go's defer statements and the macro system from Rust. What about you?


Philip Snyder
I love JS - I want type checking but I haven't taken the leap to learn typescript. Every time I justify not learning typescript in my head by saying "I should be building fast - learning typescript will slow that down" Any ts guides you reccomend?
Laurentiu Ciobanu
@philipsnyder I love typescript :) Really, I can't recommend it enough!
Octavian Codrea
@philipsnyder There should be something on FreeCodeCamp. Also, I guarantee that once you switch to Typescript you'll never want to go to vanilla JS again.
Alexandru Ifrim
@philipsnyder You gotta jump! Take that leap! Move forward! Don't build fast, build better!
Savian Boroanca
Python is my fav. It suits my work just fine. What do you think about it?
Laurentiu Ciobanu
@savian_boroanca I kinda hate python. Sorry :( I just don't like the syntax... I guess I'm a C-style fanboy :)
Adriana Virlan
@savian_boroanca this is a very unpopular opinion
Liviu Năsoi
TypeScript for me too! ✅
Laurentiu Ciobanu
@liviu_nasoi what's your fav language feature?
Alexandru Ifrim
Depends for what. Fast-to-market for web/mobile, simple language stack => gotta go Javascript / Typescript. Would love some meta programming directives in Typescript. High-intensity code that needs to be blazingly fast => C / C++ / Go / Rust. Learning Go atm.
Laurentiu Ciobanu
@aifrim Go it's great! Rust is really awesome too. Working on a way to build native binaries in TS. Here's a POC https://github.com/laurci/ts-llvm
Alexandru Frentescu
Working on a project now in Scratch with a 8-year-old, does this count? :)