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  • What's your biggest distraction while working?

    Gizem Nur Keskin
    8 replies
    My biggest distraction is the constant flow of notifications. Even though they are work-related in one way or another, they manage to disrupt my focus and lead me to content-switching. I try to put myself in "Do Not Disturb" mode these days so I can actually get some work done.


    Incoming messages 🥸
    Jay Phelps
    Yeah ,notifications distract. DND is smart. Setting times to check emails and messages also helps me avoid distractions.
    Sun Ah Min
    Absolutely, self-discipline is gaining much more importance in the digital world xD
    Ivan Vorobyev
    There are a huge number of factors that can distract from the work process. But I try to do all the things that distract me during my breaks. Sometimes, I can even play through https://www.innovatechange.co.nz/ in my free time. It helps me take my mind off the work process, helps me reboot and tune in to continue the work process.
    Carmen Judson
    Attempting to multitask.