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  • What's your biggest challenge with building an audience on Twitter?

    Darius Ogenyi
    46 replies


    Agnieszka Rybij
    I think my biggest challenge is to start making tweets while having little followers and feeling stupid that no one will read them 😅
    @agnieszka_rybij It is absolutely difficult. Maybe impossible. But we have to post and see. We also should learn more about the actual algorithm. For example : you'll have a bad reach if you have more followings than followers.
    Darius Ogenyi
    @agnieszka_rybij 😅 we were all there at some point. Start with one Tweet, and keep going.
    Agnieszka Rybij
    @mho22 Oh I didn't even know that this is how it works, I jut thought it might look bad in some people's eyes
    @agnieszka_rybij I learnt this recently thanks to @NFT_God on X. There are a lot more indicators like this that makes it difficult for newcomers to be visible. I think I will make a summary of what a newcomer has to do right to have more visibility. I am actually at 40 following and 20 followers. It took me 2 months...
    Agnieszka Rybij
    @dariusogenyi Thanks for the encouragement Darius, I'll for sure try at one point 😅
    Leena Chitnis
    RuffRest® Ultimate Dog Bed
    RuffRest® Ultimate Dog Bed
    It's a saturated space and now virtually impossible to build a presence there unless you're a celebrity of sorts and open a new account there.
    Darius Ogenyi
    @chitterz it's saturated, yes. But with patience and the right strategy you can build following without being a celebrity.
    Actually nothing for now as I figured out this while building community of 32K followers 🙂
    Azi Endina
    Gaining followers to widen my audience has always been a struggle. I do my best to publish tweets that are relatable and will attract my target market.
    Darius Ogenyi
    @azi1 you're on the right part, keep going.
    Yavuz Tunc Emran
    Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
    Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
    adapting to algorithm changes...
    Darius Ogenyi
    @tunc_emran Algorithm's come and go, but human nature never changes. Study that.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    As on any other channel, be consistent and analyze what works and what doesn't work.
    Kyle Place
    brainstorming engaging content
    Darius Ogenyi
    @kyle_place do have a swipe file for stacking engaging content you've come across?
    Sergei Turkov
    Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers
    Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers
    I think here consistency is the key and understanding how algorithms are working. If you would constantly make a twits and translate your idea/values you want to share, you would definitely gain appropriate audience of like-minded people.
    priyanka prasad
    Some posts randomly do well, some don’t. Don’t know what works
    Darius Ogenyi
    @priyanka_prasad5 your analytics will tell which ones worked, double down on those.
    priyanka prasad
    @dariusogenyi Replicated it but then it didn’t work..
    Jake Harrison
     Free Essay Checker AI
    Free Essay Checker AI
    You don’t know what make really high impressions
    Darius Ogenyi
    @jakeharr study posts that make high impressions and replicate them. What we think is rocket science, is actually in plain sight.
    It is a lot of engaging
    Darius Ogenyi
    @joonatanvanhala i can totally relate. I time 30 mins in the morning and evening to do engagement.
    Pam K.
    It not accepting the mobile number I'm trying to ad to my account so I can upgrade to Premium. 😆
    Darius Ogenyi
    @sachin297 his handling of things scares me ngl.
    Charlie Charles
    It seems like everyone is on Twitter at different times, so it's hard to know when the best time to post is
    Darius Ogenyi
    @charliee1122 Who's your target audience? When do you think they'd generally be online? Make the research and post accordingly.
    tariq anees
    Gaining the types of followers that would be interested in my product. I collect and share prices for routine auto services. So any car owner that pays for maintenance at an auto shop would be target audience.
    Darius Ogenyi
    @tariq_anees if you create content that educates, inspires and delights your audience, they'll come. Also, engage with accounts that have your ideal audiences already.
    Chris Rickard
    You need to be consistent and have a niche. I've only been active on twitter for a couple of years, but I just talk about my personal experience building, running, and selling a software development agency. It's not for everyone - but the people that are interested find it valuable, and it's a niche that everyone isn't talking about. But twitter is a marathon, not a sprint.
    I do my best to publish tweets that are relatable and will attract my target market.
    still struggling now
    Brian Hurst
    Having the patience and perseverance to keep going with Twitter. It's not the easiest space to build an audience, and it's definitely not the fastest either, but it can really provide some great returns if you stick with it. It's just hard to stick with it 😂