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  • What's your best advice for someone starting a Podcast ?

    16 replies
    I'm working to launch a Podcast to get insights from Product Leaders about their use of AI and the way they simplify their work. What are the do and don't to start a podcast ?


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Good equipment – audio stack. Preparation – when you are doing something in media, you are a kind of reporter/journalist – so you need to dig into history (research). Find the accurate length for the podcast. Try to find out when people listen to podcasts (driving to work, during domestic chores, during workouts). You can better customise timing. :)
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    @busmark_w_nika @toni_pm +1 would love to get a recommendation on audiostacj
    @busmark_w_nika Thanks 🙏🏻 i was hoping to get your insights. Great list of priorities. For Equipment, what's your stack or the stack you'd recommend to begin with ?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @toni_pm Well, I use Rode Wireless Go II Mics (these: https://www.accessibility.cafe/ ) But everything depends on the acoustic in your apartment, I have so much echo because I do not have their carpet or fabrics (my room is especially customised for workouts so I need to throw away everything like furniture etc.) :D and that is not good :D
    @busmark_w_nika oh thanks great to know. I have thick carpets in my "office" space , it's built around my guitars , so i guess i need to find one adapted to that kind of sound
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    @busmark_w_nika audio is such a pain and menace! Especially if you move a lot
    Kehui Guo
    I think it's similar to building a product: you need to think about your target audience, your vision on the podcast, and prepare the content well, then executing that plan! Branding it nicely will also help a lot to reach the audience you desire.
    Andy Chiang
    Make it easy for the guest. Be in your guest's shoes and try to understand what they need to be on an (I'm assuming) not established podcast. What are their concerns going on your show? 1) for some it's their first time being on a podcast, so they need more help understanding what is needed from them 2) some may ask why they should be on your show - have those ready, it'll help! Around 40% of the people I interview, ask for questions - so I always have the "general questions" ready and send it to everyone regardless. Great insights from others. Don't hesitate to publish, I am absolutely embarrassed by my performance of my early podcasts and I hear the same from everyone who's done it longer than I have! Have fun, it's rewarding in many ways!
    Ali Anjamparuthi
    Focus on a niche you're passionate about. Plan your content in advance and maintain a consistent publishing schedule. Engage with your audience through social media and feedback, and continuously improve based on their input. Most importantly, be authentic and enjoy the process. Wishing you good luck with your new project.
    Abhra Ch.
    Hey @toni_pm! That sounds like an amazing podcast idea! 😄 My best advice would be to focus on sound quality—invest in a good microphone and recording environment. Also, be consistent with your episodes and engage with your audience through social media. As for the don'ts, avoid running too long in the initial episodes and never underestimate the power of good editing. Can't wait to listen to it! 🎧✨
    Kushagra Singh
    you've dared to start. therefore, i believe you can figure out production. sooner or later with iterations. what really matters is the interesting and unique viewpoint you bring to the audience.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Starting a podcast is like embarking on a thrilling AI quest! Remember, do hone your interviewing skills, craft engaging content; and don't underestimate the power of editing out those accidental coffee slurps! Best of luck on your podcasting journey!
    Kexin Liu
    A really good recording setup—make sure it's not too noisy around, and try not to breathe too heavily, haha! Also, have an outline ready beforehand, especially for longer content. Good luck!
    CY Zhou
    Start with a clear niche and target audience in mind, and be consistent with your posting schedule. Engage with your listeners through social media to build a loyal community.
    Richard Walker
    Definitely invest in a good mic - audio quality is key! I recommend the Shure SM7B. Also don't forget to submit your RSS feed to all the major directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts etc to maximize reach. Consistency is crucial so commit to a regular schedule, whether that's weekly, biweekly or whatever works for you. Interviewing product leaders about AI sounds super interesting - I'd focus on crafting compelling episode titles and descriptions to draw listeners in. Good luck with the launch!
    @richardwalkerm thanks a lot for your insights