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  • What’s your approach to building meaningful relationships on social media?

    My3 Murthy
    12 replies
    I have trouble in forming connections- but maintaining them online is a different ball-game. How do you tackle that? I have an excel sheet to keep me updated on who I should reach out to- do you have a similar strategy or do you let the algo drive your relationship building?


    Gyula Rusinczky
    @my3_murthy My pleasure. Yeah, life is challenging on so many levels and it can often feel overwhelming. Our social masks allow us to fit in and hide what really goes on in our lives, as a way to avoid exposing our struggles and vulnerability which is sadly seen as weakness by many. Yet I value transparency and honesty above all, it requires strength to open up and by sharing our pain and struggles, we take a step towards healing and getting back on our feet.😌
    My3 Murthy
    @gyrusinczky Oh i love clay! how do you use it for the maintaining relationships? Is there a process you swear by?
    Gyula Rusinczky
    @my3_murthy I dig the app, it's perhaps the best tool to maintain relationships in the business world but I think it's targeted for those who have tons of meetings all the time which is not my case. I think all people value when you demonstrate that you care about them. Once I met an Albanian guy and his first question was about how my family was doing. As it turned out he had a family back in Albania while he was working in France to support them. That was during COVID lockdowns so perhaps he missed them dearly, and maybe it's also a cultural thing over there. It was a surprising approach but it instantly created a deeper connection than small talk could ever do. Every time I met him afterwards his first question was always about my family. It left me with a lasting impression and lesson about how to create a bond with new people.😌
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    @gyrusinczky Thanks for sharing clay! Looked it up. Pretty cool!
    My3 Murthy
    @gyrusinczky That is such a thoughtful & beautiful way to connect with someone. This reminded me of the fact that, you never know what people are going through- being open & connect on a human level. Thanks gyula, for this!
    Andreas Sohns
    For me, it's a mix of both. I use reminders for key contacts but also engage regularly based on what I see in my feed. Balancing a system with organic interactions helps maintain connections effectively.
    My3 Murthy
    @andreas_sohns Ah! reminders is a great way! when you do engage with them- is it on their posts or just via DMs?
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    being honest and yourself. Not filtering too much!
    My3 Murthy
    @mplebl Love it! No tricks, just the plain truth
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    @my3_murthy absolutely! It's what I live by!