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  • What's the most random or unexpected place you found a great networking connection?

    Dan O'Malley
    9 replies
    I've found opportunities playing beach volleyball, surfing, and at a print shop. Be open to conversations that happen naturally. Do you have a fun networking story to share?


    Zackary Mooney
    Met a potential client while waiting in line for coffee! Totally random but worked out.
    Nazir Yusifov
    Launching soon!
    The most unexpected place I made a great networking connection was at the airport. While waiting for a flight, I started chatting with a fellow traveler who turned out to be an investor interested in tech startups. That casual conversation led to valuable insights and future opportunities! It was a reminder that networking can happen anywhere, even when you least expect it.
    Dan O'Malley
    @yusifov That's awesome! Thanks for sharing. It proves the point we should be open to opportunities anywhere!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Train :D
    I once found a great connection while waiting in line for street food! We started chatting about the long wait, and it turned into a conversation about business ideas. Sometimes, the best networking happens when you least expect it—like over a plate of spicy noodles.
    Dan O'Malley
    @dedew16 Love this! I give this example in my networking newsletter: You're standing in line at Starbucks when someone comments, 'The line's never usually this long." Instead of mumbling something in agreement while staring at your phone, start a conversation. Keep in mind everyone loves to talk about themselves. So ask a question. You already have something in common. You both like Starbucks.
    Lvy Maxwell
    I connected with a great mentor during a yoga class wasn't expecting that at all