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  • What's the most powerful book you have ever read?

    Danny Kouba
    68 replies
    I recently bought the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill at a well-known bookstore for $4. I absolutely do not understand how this is possible, because I have to say that it is probably the best book I have ever read. And it was only $4, WTF?! So, what's the most powerful book you have ever read?


    Marcus Hendricks
    I started “The 48 Laws of Power” last night and it’s already got me hooked. $4 for “Think and Grow Rich” is a beautiful steal! It was meant for you!
    Aaron O'Leary
    Republic of Shame by Caelainn Hogan, it's about a really dark time in recent Irish history. Not powerful in the sense of business etc but powerful in the sense of understanding just how much women in Ireland went through because of the state and religion
    Jon Zhang
    Principles by Ray Dalio It should be good book for every one.
    Danny Kouba
    @jason_andries1 Yes! Totally different book but definitely my second favorite. I read it about 5 times :D
    @jason_andries1 I love the book as well! Every time I read it I learnt something new.
    Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
    Zero to One from Peter Thiel. Great book if you are starting a Startup.
    Heide Plock
    @joanduarte this one is truly great! I liked it as well. However, my favorite book is Hamlet, I don't know why but its just special for me. Moreover, I recently came across this website https://studydriver.com/hamlet/ and found lots of interesting information about my favorite book, and now I like it even more!
    Mastery by Robert Green and Meeting the Shadow by Connie Zweig
    Martin Moravek
    The Big Four :-) The story behind Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google.
    Swati Navalkar
    The Alchemist. I have read it once and it was such a magical experience. Whenever I remember about it, it just fills me with hope and positivity.
    Ben Kaiser
    Think and grow rich was great! I Heavily suggest; How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie.
    Mary Petrykina
    Off the top of my head is Peano on the Beach by Jim Dornan.. it's easy to read, and at one moment changed the way of thinking :)
    Nick Hintze
    How Innovation Works by Matt Ridley, a biologist and historian who talks about innovative products and their evolution as if they were specimen. It’s fascinating.
    Sarah Hussain
    @nick_hintze omg I love Ridley's work so much! I read Genome, and as a Biologist it was an absolute delight!
    Carly Chen
    Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success - by Sean Ellis. I love it so much!
    Arthur Hwang
    Hamlet's BlackBerry by William Powers It's a book from the previous decade but extremely relevant for us now. Amazing book.
    Jacopo Lai
    I'm not into excessive reading but "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" by Jordan B. Peterson is the most powerful book I've ever read. It has helped me create a better professional and personal vision for life.
    Swapnil D Puranik
    Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz - this book has single-handedly changed the way I do business, build partnerships, choose whom to work with and what to say yes to.
    Jim Gleason
    One Thousand and One Nights.
    Jasper Ruijs
    How To Win Friends and Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. The secret of this world is that the best books can be bought under 10$.
    Elena Albright
    'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman (Nobel prize winner). The book is about behavioral economics and explains basic heuristics in judgment and decision-making and cognitive biases that we have with scientific proofs. Reading helps you notice bias you have but didn't used to acknowledge this. So I think this book allows me to make more thoughtful decisions now and notice when I perceive something as a fact but irl it's nothing but a bias. I'd definitely recommend it!
    Chris Watson
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich, and The Alchemist- These are some of the best books ever!
    Nithin Jawahar
    @excellentweb_australia Rich Dad, Poor Dad was one of the very first non-fiction books I read while I was in college. That's where it all started.
    Deniz SutaĹź
    Voltaire's Candide; a timeless piece that keeps me grounded, and reminds me the importance of stuff that genuinely matters to me. Edit: I especially want to highlight the value of this for many of us who are consumed by the hustle culture in some way. Whatever we do, the best is to make sure our actions align with our values or eventually lead us back to who we want to be.